Wednesday, June 3, 2015

18 weeks no sleep

First crappy nights sleep: 18 weeks! 

It's going to be a long 22 more!!! Lol 

Night before last I woke up with crazy pregnancy dreams about spiders crawling on my bed. Those dreams are my favorite, let me tell you! I wake up screaming and jump off the bed. Basically waking up the whole family. Loads of fun! Lol I had them all the time when I was pregnant with colin and that was my first one! I blame it on the season and the mass amounts of spiders migrating inside! 

I am feeling so much movement and felt the first movement from the outside the other day while I was resting my hand on my belly! That aspect is most definitely my favorite part of pregnancy!! 

We go for our 18 week apt on Friday and then will schedule my ultrasound!!! Eeeeep! So excited to see this baby! And see what it looks like! I think I'm more excited to see how it looks in there than what it IS! With colin even from that 20 week ultrasound he looked like Ryan! I wonder if we will have another clone or not in the works!! Can't wait to find out! 

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