Thursday, November 20, 2014

Long Island Medium LIVE

I've posted before about my love for the Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo and all that she does.  I know it is weird and foreign for some/most people to try to think about, but I really do feel like our loved ones spirits are still with and guiding us throughout life. Little things happen to me and I'm sure they do to you too and you think, I wonder if that was my grandma or my friend reaching out from up above and it is!  How comforting it is to know that they don't ever leave us behind and that they are always with us.  Also my family are crazy Italians originally from NY so of course Theresa reminds me of them which makes her even more awesome!

I was in a car accident 11 years ago ( in a month) and I don't really know how I walked away from that. My grandfather had passed about 4 years prior and the only thing I can think of is that he was protecting me and watching out for me. I rolled my car. Totalled it. And I didn't even have a scratch on me, not one. I definitely had a guardian angel that day and I know it was my grandpa. 

When we found out Theresa Caputa was coming to Albuquerque my good friend Dawn and I decided we would go. I'm not really sure we knew what to expect but it was awesome. It was like watching her show at home, except you couldn't ugly cry because you were sitting near strangers. 

I posted that we were going and had someone ask me if I wanted to connect with anyone. My initial thought was yes and no. I mean of course it would be so nice to get that reassurance that my grandparents are still with me, but I knew there would be people there that needed some closure a lot more than I did. And that was exactly the case. It seemed she channeled a lot of tragedies that night. Which I imagine are the people who need the most closure. Shootings, accidents, suicides... Things you don't understand entirely but try to and have to deal with here on earth with unanswered questions. 

When we got there we ended up in the elevator with this sweet older couple. We were both a little lost but together found our way. We chatted with them a bit and then parted ways. They just so happened to be sitting in the front row and ended up getting a reading from their son who had died tragically. We ran into them again on the way out and gave them hugs. The wife said it was meant to be that they came there that night. She told us about her son and how he was their only boy and they had two daughters. I can't imagine how they felt, but I bet they went to bed feeling a little more at peace that night.

My favorite reading was an older guy who didn't even know who Theresa was. Someone made him come there that night and she was able to connect with his departed wife. He shed some tears and it was very sweet.  And the last reading was the one that got me and I'm pretty sure everyone else crying a big ole ugly cry. Two little boys who had lost their mom.  The mom came through and Theresa talked to them about how they changed their rooms around and played instruments. It was very sweet and very touching, but also sad to see two little boys missing their mom so badly. I think it touched home to so many people everyone was crying. (Especially dawn and I who have little boys!)  Theresa invited them back stage afterwards because she is awesome! 

I hope someday to actually meet Theresa. I feel like I know her from watching her shows and relating to her because she reminds me of my own family from back east but she really is an incredible person. If you ever get the opportunity to see her live I highly recommend it!  

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Colin is 3!!

I can't even believe my baby is 3. Say what?! He will be 13 before I know it.  I can't handle this whole growing up thing. He keeps telling me he wants to grow big and I say no, Mommy wants you to grow tiny! Ha, poor child!

We had a small party in Albuquerque with my parents and aunt and uncle (while I went there to see Theresa Caputo, which is another blog in itself.) and then had a party the day of his birthday at the local bounce house with some of his friends. FYI, that was the easiest party EVER. I just had to make cupcakes and show up... the rest was covered.  Stress free and amazing!  Colin has been asking for a Strider bike for his birthday because his good friend has one and laps him at the park. So he got one, complete with helmet, knee and elbow pads and some lights on it. He is all accessorized and rides it everywhere and all over the house.  If nothing else maybe he will sleep better at night! Ha! Just kidding that sooo isn't working so far!

So lets talk about my 3 year old. The biggest difference from when he turned 2 and now 3 is how much he talks. Boy does not stop talking... all day. Which is fine. It is actually pretty fun to have full on conversations with him and hear what goes through his mind.  Why? Is a new one that just happened within the last month. Everything is Why? Why? The other day I turned the tables and asked him why and he responded, Sometimes. I may have to use that one. Sometimes. He still loves trucks, cars and trains, BUT he also loves all things physical, like wrestling, football, soccer, running and riding his new bike. This used to be unheard of but sometimes he will actually go a full day without playing with cars. Shocking, I know.  He loves Towmater, Curious George and Jake and the Netherland Pirates. He also prefers to dress himself now and would like to either be naked or wear his football jersey all days everydays.

He had a good checkup last week. He is still small, but growing on his own curve. He is 28 pounds and 37 inches. He was 26 pounds FOREVER and I swear that he actually just gained those 2 pounds a month ago!  Yesterday the scale said 30... so who knows, I do think he is growing though so I wouldn't be surprised!!  He is like a bottomless pit some days!

Favorite foods: Oatmeal, eggs, yogurt, berries, bananas, apples, salads, carrots, pepperoni, salami, cheese and any soup and SUSHI. Of course he also loves ice cream, candy and cookies, but they don't count!  He really isn't a fan of bread of any type. The other day we were at Ryan's aunt's house and I asked him if he wanted a roll. He said yes and hopped on the ground and started rolling... everyone died laughing. He would much rather roll than eat a roll!! I swear he is a little paleo baby!

He is potty trained and just started going by himself and is trying to wipe himself (messy). He still doesn't sleep through the night, but I love with my new "job" that I have learned that it is ok and normal and most kids do wake up at night for a few years.  Sleeping is like walking and talking and crawling.. he will learn how to do it when he is ready.  The end.  On his way to 4... sad times!