We had a small party in Albuquerque with my parents and aunt and uncle (while I went there to see Theresa Caputo, which is another blog in itself.) and then had a party the day of his birthday at the local bounce house with some of his friends. FYI, that was the easiest party EVER. I just had to make cupcakes and show up... the rest was covered. Stress free and amazing! Colin has been asking for a Strider bike for his birthday because his good friend has one and laps him at the park. So he got one, complete with helmet, knee and elbow pads and some lights on it. He is all accessorized and rides it everywhere and all over the house. If nothing else maybe he will sleep better at night! Ha! Just kidding that sooo isn't working so far!
So lets talk about my 3 year old. The biggest difference from when he turned 2 and now 3 is how much he talks. Boy does not stop talking... all day. Which is fine. It is actually pretty fun to have full on conversations with him and hear what goes through his mind. Why? Is a new one that just happened within the last month. Everything is Why? Why? The other day I turned the tables and asked him why and he responded, Sometimes. I may have to use that one. Sometimes. He still loves trucks, cars and trains, BUT he also loves all things physical, like wrestling, football, soccer, running and riding his new bike. This used to be unheard of but sometimes he will actually go a full day without playing with cars. Shocking, I know. He loves Towmater, Curious George and Jake and the Netherland Pirates. He also prefers to dress himself now and would like to either be naked or wear his football jersey all days everydays.
He had a good checkup last week. He is still small, but growing on his own curve. He is 28 pounds and 37 inches. He was 26 pounds FOREVER and I swear that he actually just gained those 2 pounds a month ago! Yesterday the scale said 30... so who knows, I do think he is growing though so I wouldn't be surprised!! He is like a bottomless pit some days!
Favorite foods: Oatmeal, eggs, yogurt, berries, bananas, apples, salads, carrots, pepperoni, salami, cheese and any soup and SUSHI. Of course he also loves ice cream, candy and cookies, but they don't count! He really isn't a fan of bread of any type. The other day we were at Ryan's aunt's house and I asked him if he wanted a roll. He said yes and hopped on the ground and started rolling... everyone died laughing. He would much rather roll than eat a roll!! I swear he is a little paleo baby!
He is potty trained and just started going by himself and is trying to wipe himself (messy). He still doesn't sleep through the night, but I love with my new "job" that I have learned that it is ok and normal and most kids do wake up at night for a few years. Sleeping is like walking and talking and crawling.. he will learn how to do it when he is ready. The end. On his way to 4... sad times!
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