Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mommy Wars

Can we talk about mommy wars? I hate them. Maybe because I don't follow mainstream parenting and people are always acting all judgy on me, but I hate them. A lot. 

I'm sure people think that because I'm all pro breastfeeding that means I'm anti bottle feeding. That is not the case. My job is to help people breastfeed as long as THEY want to, not tell people when they should stop or why they should start. That is a very personal choice. One of my really good friends here bottle feeds. Do I care, heck no! I won't judge her if she doesn't judge me for nursing an almost 3 year old! Ha!  

Anyway. Why do mothers feel the need to start wars? I just don't get it. Parenthood is hard. Soo hard. Moms struggle. It isn't easy. Some days it takes everything you can to make it to bedtime.  We are critical of ourselves we worry constantly if we are screwing up our children... Do we need other mothers butting their noses in to tell you that you are indeed screwing up? NO! Heck No!! We need to lift eachother up. Support eachother, no matter if you agree with what the mom is doing or not. It is not your monkey or your circus... BUT another mom who probably needs a pat on the back (or a drink) instead of kick in the teeth or a punch in the throat.  Don't tell her she is wrong, don't tell her she is doing things badly or not how you do them. Tell her she doing great. She is doing wonderful and to keep up the great work.  Some days just keeping the kids uninjured and fed is a huge victory and we need to remember that.

Yes we are still breastfeeding. Yes we are still waking up at night. Yes we choose cuddles over sleep training. Yes we have a flexible bed time. Yes we practice gentle parenting and lots of love. Am I a bad mom. Nope. Do I need work? Don't we all? I'm doing my best and I know you are too. Please don't tell me I'm doing it all wrong and instead tell someone they are doing it all right.  Because you know they are trying their very hardest to be the best they can be to their babies. Let's end these stupid mommy wars and support eachother or at least bring them a big bottle of wine! ;) 

1 comment:

Jackie Goodman said...

Amen! Couldn't agree more!