Thursday, October 10, 2013

Our Denver Trip

Sorry I've been MIA! We went to Denver last week to visit my brother in law and then when we returned we caught a cold, boo! But I feel more like a human today.

We had a great time with my brother in law! We all love spending time with him, especially Colin. 

We went to the Denver zoo the first day we were there and then it got really cold and actually snowed a bit! We cruised the mall and toured the city on the cold days. Granted BIL has a little sports car so we were kinda crammed in and I feel like I saw the entire city through a 3x5 inch window! Lol  The last day we were there I was a tad warmer so we were able to walk around some parks and the city! 

We also did what I've been calling a day in the life of my BIL... Granted we didn't go to work with him, but we went to his crossfit work out, favorite sushi restaurant, favorite froyo place and he got us into his favorite tv series, Breaking Bad.  I was sore for days after the crossfit workout and I only did half of it because I was chasing Colin. Aye! 

We had a great time, but I was happy to be home in our own beds, as opposed to sharing a double bed on the floor in a bachelor pad! Ha!

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