Not only can you say words but you can now put 3 words together. Yesterday you said, Mommy hand mote ( you wanted me to put your favorite show on tv with the remote) and every morning you say Mama Nummies bed when you wake up to nurse in my bed.
You are taking an interest in potty training but I'm not pressuring you. You have peed in the potty twice and both times it was your idea.
You now sleep in a big boy bed. You started climbing out of your crib a few months ago and we converted it into a toddler bed which you've wanted nothing to do with. You sleep on the twin bed in your room even though the toddler bed is still set up! Speaking of sleep you were regularly sleeping 8 hour stretches at night until the dang time change! But you will get back into the groove it just takes time. I'm so glad you are finally sleeping better!
Your favorite things are playing with trucks, the pbs kids app on the iPad and watching Daniel tiger on tv. You also love playing with your truck outside and bailey who you call B.
You love our play dates with our friends because you are pretty obsessed with their baby! But that's ok because it warms my heart to see you so tender with a baby!!
You love to eat. Your breakfast is pretty standard: oatmeal, yogurt and berries with milk. But on the weekend we make eggs and you eat an entire egg by yourself! You love eating salads with me for lunch and i got you hooked on kale chips and smoothies! You are doing better at eating dinner with us and I discoverd that if I roll your food up in a tortilla you will eat it no matter what!! Ha! You also love beans... Both green beans and regular beans. We had beans and quinoa for dinner tonight just for you and you ate seconds!
You are an entertainer and you enjoy making people laugh! You can be a very silly boy!
I can tell that you will also be very into music when you get older! You pretend to play the trumpet by making sounds out of your mouth and love drum sticks!!
You are also into pretending and enjoy making me food at the kitchen in the children's museum as well as pretending wth your animals here at home. Ney (your horse) has been your favorite lately. You pretend to ride him, feed him apples and make him go night night. Elmo is your go to stuffed animal that you can't go to sleep without.
You have just discovered the word MY... Lord help me! My Elmo! My Ney! My truck! My milk!! I suppose that comes with turning 2!
You are the light of my life little boy and I can't even begin to tell you how much I love you! Happy Birthday!
This morning he slept in until 9:30! Unheard of! He's been waking up at 6 the past week I guess it caught up with him!
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