Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Birthday dreaming

Colin's second birthday is fast approaching. I love party planning... Specifically looking on Pinterest for ideas!   I've been pinning ideas for months. I had pretty much decided on a truck themed birthday, until this morning! I saw this cake and fell in love:  

I'm not 100% set on a train theme, but there are a ton of cute and simple ideas, like putting tape on the sidewalk as a track to your house, making a giant card board train for the kids and some cute food ideas, including a bunch of small cakes making a long train. See: 

See???  Cute and totally affordable and doable! I could even combine it with Halloween and get him a little conductor outfit and make a train for him to walk around in... Oh the ideas are endless!  Colin has just started liking trains, too! 

The other ideas I've been thinking of are:
Daniel Tiger theme 
Monster trucks
Construction site

What do you guys think??!!

1 comment:

Marcie Chavez said...

Love the train idea! The possibilities are endless.