Tuesday, May 7, 2013

18 months

Colin has really started speaking more this past month. He says: mama, daddy, papa, uh oh, hi, bye, ball, bubbles, thank you, brrrrr. He pants and barks like a dog and makes monkey noises too. He signs milk and all gone or all done.

He knows all his body parts and has added elbows, knees, chin, and bottom. Lol

He loves playing with his trucks, tries to carry them all at once, which never works out like he plans. He is obsessed with monster trucks and jeeps and can point out all the jeeps when we go for a walk. He also loves water and could play outside with the garden hose for hours everyday.

His favorite foods are (everything): berries, oatmeal, yogurt, pepperoni, turkey, ham, pasta, chips, hummus, cheese, spinach. He loves to eat chips and dip them in things like salsa and guacamole.  He is not afraid of hot salsa and it amazes me that he can eat it!

He is starting to sleep a bit better with longer stretches at night in his crib. We are still nursing, in case anyone was wondering! Lol

We are in size 4 diapers and 18 month clothes. We go in tomorrow for his 18 month check up, so i will update his measurements then!!

Colin, my sweet, silly boy... Happy 18 months!

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