It is 4 am and my kid is screaming and I am sitting on the floor outside his crib. It is going great, can't you tell?! Not!
We were sleeping SOO much better before we moved. I miss it. We had done night weaning and he took to it well and was sleeping 5-7 hours in his crib, glorious. Then we moved and all hell broke loose on the sleep front. It sucks and I just can't seem to get him back to where we were. Granted his eye teeth are bugging him, so maybe that's it? Who knows.
In our old house I would sit a few feet away on the floor in his nursery, play on my phone or iPad until he fell asleep. It worked for us. I didn't have to touch him or even talk to him and before we moved he would be asleep in minutes. Knowing I was there and he could see me calmed him enough to just be able to fall asleep as opposed to leaving which makes him totally freak out and not sleep.
I tried all our same techniques here, but he will not go to sleep in his crib without me touching him or holding his hand. Cute, yet I feel like it is a major step backwards. He has only had one good night in his crib where he slept 6 hours, but he mostly just sleeps 2 or 3 before waking. Sometimes I can get him back to sleep others I just bring him to bed with me. Then there is night weaning. I don't know if it is the teeth or all the changes of moving, but it is not happening. In our old house he stopped asking for it at night after a few nights and if he did and I told him it was sleeping he would just roll over and go back to sleep. Here he screams bloody hell if you deny him, tries to get it himself or get off the bed, all while throwing a huge fit. Typically I give in and then he nurses like non stop the rest of the night so I don't get any sleep. this morning I just threw him in his crib and here I am on the floor... One hand in the crib and the other typing. Hoping it is the stupid eye teeth. He has one more to break through. If that doesn't help the sleep then we need an intervention, cause this is ridiculous.
Some days I feel like such a failure, my kid is almost 17 months and has yet to sleep through the night. Then I read all kinds if material about how he is little and something is bugging him and he needs me still and blah blah oh and that no kid really sleeps through the night and I am not alone. I feel like as a SAHM now I should be able to focus on my sons issues like sleeping and get them resolved and I am not able to. Blah..., this is probably just the lack of sleep talking and I feel much better after an hours rest. Sorry to vent!
And with that, he is asleep and my husbands alarm just went off and I need to decide if i should go back go my bed and suffer through the bathroom light being on or sleep in the nursery or spare bed. Decisions decisions.
My child is THIS close to climbing out of his crib that is fully lowered. If I leave for more than a few minutes and return he is hanging over.... Monkey boy.
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I feel for you Jackie- it sucks not to sleep. I am wondering if you "giving" in to his fits for milk or handholding are the reasons he is resisting so much? You might have to take a "tough love" approach with hard limits and set-in-stone ways for how you do things. You are probably sick of getting advice, but I am thinking you need to put him in the crib, close the door and leave, let him cry (all night if need be) and don't come back in until 5 or 6 am. Sounds harsh, but he needs to know you make the rules, not him. Maybe 2 nights of this and I bet he'll get the point.
I agree with Marcie!!
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