Monday, April 22, 2013

Sleep update

I feel like we've made good progress with Colin's crib sleeping these past weeks. It took quite awhile, but I've stayed consistent every night we've been here and finally he is falling asleep with minimal efforts in his crib and staying asleep at least on average about 5 hours a night there. Alleluia! This is huge for us! We had issues s few weeks ago, but we were also cutting our last eye tooth. So now that us over with I am hoping our sleep will take s turn for the better.

One cool thing he is doing when he wakes up at night and I am rocking him outside his crib he points to go back in. He just started that a few days ago. Granted he doesn't stay in it long after that, but it makes me feel like maybe he gets that is where he is supposed to sleep.

I know he should be sleeping through the night and that people think i am crazy for not being more forceful on the issue, but I am just doing what works for us and my family. Colin has never fallen asleep crying he gets very inconsolable if you let him cry and it does the very opposite of make him sleep. Also if you leave him in there crying long enough I am 100% positive he would climb out. He was close the other day when I escaped to pee and left him in his crib and I was only gone for a minute.

I instead sit next to his bed and play on my iPad. This past week it has been only a few words with friends games before he is out, which is why I know he is doing better. Tonight I didn't even have to hold his hand and he fell asleep on his own.... Without tears. My long term plan is that he will fall asleep faster end faster by himself in his crib and I won't need to sit there. But I may also try to move further away every night so my presence is less and less.

Once we spend a few weekends home and not on the road I am going to initiate night weaning again.he was night weaned before we moved. Then he wasn't. I made an attempt at It when we first moved in and it failed. I think he wasn't ready between teething and the move. So I am hoping it will go better when I try again. It really helped his sleep the first time we did it in our old house. I think he was sleeping 6 and 7 hours at a time! I also don't want his dr to get mad about night nursing at his 18 month apt since she told us she was concerned about his teeth at his last visit and I've yet to make him an apt at a pediatric dentist like recommended... His teeth look fine to me... But I will!

So we are taking baby steps and making progress! But I feel better and don't even take naps most days... Plus we snuggle in bed until 8 or later every day!


Christene @ MommaBird said...

Yay that you are getting some good stretches of sleep!

And that is absolutely adorable and melts my heart that he wants to hold your hand to fall asleep.

Jaclyn said...

Lol... It is very sweet and also melts my heart when that little hand reaches out and grabs mine. But wouldn't it also be nice to just have him fall asleep? Lol I know he won't want to hold my hand forever, so I'm going to take advantage of it now, for someday he won't want me to even kiss him in public let alone hold my hand! :)