Friday, January 18, 2013

14.5 month update!

I thought I'd do a little update on Colin... I miss doing his monthly updates.  :(

At 14 months old... he is SOO much fun!! I love this age!

He waves Hello and Bye Bye.  He makes the sign for no more or all gone ALL the time (when you take something away from him, when he drops something or moves something or walks away from something! The other day he threw his toy in the trash can and walked over to tell me it was all gone and then the next day he put his fire truck in the drier and came to get me to rescue it, while pointing ot the drier and making the sign for all gone!) He is still making the sign for milk very religiously. He also claps his hands and gives head butts... courtesy of our next door neighbor.

He isn't saying words yet, but he is DYING to talk. He jibbers all day long saying all kinds of lovely nonsense.  He does bark like a dog and say Brrrr... when he gets cold.

He knows where his head, hair, ears, eyes, nose, tongue, belly, hands and feet are and can identify them not only on himself but on other people/things.  He gives hugs and kisses and loves.

He is soo active. He just walks around looking for things to do and playing with his toys is not sufficient for vrey long.  He prefers taking everything out of my cabinets and drawers, feeding the dog, taking the balls out of the pool table... and right now he is walking around the house pulling the broom behind him... hey maybe he is getting a bit of sweeping done, I'm not complaining! Lol   He loves to climb everything and anything and tries to run everywhere too.

He still isn't sleeping well (I plan to work on that after we move)  But he falls asleep in his crib every night, just doesn't stay that way for long. He was sleeping 3-4 hours at a time in his crib, but that changed to just two over the past few weeks... BUT he is cutting molars, maybe thats why?? But I feel like a more functional human being so I must be getting some sleep!

He loves most fruits, green beans, broccoli, oatmeal and cheese... especially cream cheese. He drinks whole milk really well and has put on good weight since he turned one! At his one year appointment he was 18 lbs. I weighed him this morning and he was 21! That is incredible! Lol I think he is at least 32 inches tall because he was about 30 at his one year apt. But I that is just a guess. He is finally wearing 18 month clothes and in size 4 diapers.

I love him so much! He is such a happy little boy. He loves to be the center of attention and dance and do silly things, just like his silly grandpas! I know I will have a little clown, he is such a character!

Ok, I guess that is all for now!

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