Tuesday, November 27, 2012

South Carolina

Just returned from South Carolina yesterday for my Great-Uncle's Funeral. My mom, Colin and I had a very successful trip. I was very nervous about traveling with him since our most recent trip was a bit of a disaster and he got sick on the flight home, but this time he traveled very well. He won over the flight attendants on the way there and got some free snacks and then slept the entire trip home! :)

The trip itself was really good... or about as good as trip for a funeral can be. The thing about funerals is it tends to be a time where you get to see a lot of your family that you haven't seen in years.... which is sad, but true. We saw pretty much all of my mom's cousin from that side of the family and a lot of my second cousins and it was really neat seeing all the cousins together laughing and reminiscing about their childhood and all their memories.

Colin had a lot of fun with his cousins too. He made some quick friends with the younger ones when he I convinced them to chase him up and down the stairs at their house (we don't have stairs at our place, so this was a new fascination for him).  (And no, even through traveling and climbing stairs a million times, he never slept through the night there either... not even close!)

The funeral itself was really beautiful and it in this amazing church. I know everyone will miss my great Uncle Fred very much, especially his beautiful wife of 51 years. 

Here are some photos of the family together:

These are all my second cousins with my Great-Aunt

Me and my mom with all of her cousins

My great Aunt with all her daughters and neices and nephew

The Dudes, Colin with cousin Nick

Colin's new buddy!

My cousin Diane and her daughter Marisa wanted to take us to downtown Greenville to see the Christmas trees set up at the Hyatt. Well...  the trees weren't exactly set up and decorated, but we still took some pictures! Lol

My mom's other cousin, from the other side of the family lives about an hour and a half from where we were, so we also met her one day and her family about half way in between (and conveniently located near some outlet shopping!) This is my mom's aunt on the far left and Colin's Great-Great-Aunt! :)

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