Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sleep update

After reading *most* of the no cry sleep solution I have some new plans when it comes to Colin's sleeping.

Unfortunately while he was sick it seems like we backtracked a bit with sleeping. That night he was sick he literally would wake up and throw up and then go right back to sleep... so naturally we were a bit concerned about how he slept and making sure he wouldn't choke on his throw up. So he practically slept on us the entire night.

After that night he was very clingy... although part of me thinks he still didn't feel well for a couple days... and slept with us for most of the nights, even though before any of this he was sleeping his first stretch in the crib.

Yesterday I read the crib section of the No Cry Sleep Solution book and came up with some more things for us to try. Last night he actually slept 4 hours in his crib... which around here is pretty epic and his next stretch was 3 hours... equally as epic!! Of course after that I thought I smelt something funny and sure enough he had dirtied his diaper... I don't think the kid has pooped at night since he was just a few months old, which also makes me think he isn't 100% better from his tummy bug!  Of course as soon as he got changed he was WIDE awake for the day. But at least I got 2 decent stretches of sleep!

I am hopeful that this week we will start to see some changes with some of the new things I've learned and am trying when it comes to his sleep. Although, Ryan is working out of town, so hopefully I won't just give in and let him sleep in bed all week! Lol

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