Monday, August 13, 2012

Colin and I both had checkups today and while his went great and mine went... not so well.

Also I'd like to note that we spent 2.5 hrs in the doctor's office. YUCK. And she had a goober medical student come take care of us first and I swear the guy had never held a baby before and he was having a HELL of a time trying to check my kid who is wiggly and squirming and all he wanted was to grab the stethescope! Lol

Colin is 17.9 lbs and 28 1/2 inches! He has really grown in height! I knew he'd gotten longer!

 Me, well, my blood pressure was ok, not great, but I've lost weight and changed my diet so she liked that, I just need to find a babysitter so I can exercise regularly because that really seems to be the final straw in my blood presure. When I exercise it is low, when I don't it is higher. Tonight I convinced the neighbors to watch Colin for an hour so I can exercise. I am soo excited! lol

While I was there I wanted to bring up his sleeping habits. I've brought them up before she always dismissed them. Today however was different. I explained how frustrated I've been and how hard the past couple of months have been on me. She always seems to make me cry and of course I lost it.  She was VERY concerned and almost put me on depression meds... THAT I was not expecting.  Lol Pretty much she told me that Colin is ruling the roost and if I don't get him to learn how to sleep soon I am going to have major problems.

She said I need to let him cry it out. So tonight is night one of we will try CIO again. I'm not looking forward to it. But hoping it works better than the last time we tried when he just cried for several hours straight and didn't ever fall asleep. We are doing something similiar to start bedtime, some nights I let him cry a few minutes, Lay him down and then pat him and he falls asleep. So hopefully we can continue that throughout the night and he will start sleeping better. I did it once after bedtime last night and he slept almost 6 hours in his crib last night (getting up after 2.5 hours each time). So I hope it won't be too hard on any of us.

She also said I need more ME time. She said I am essentially with the baby 24 hours a day and I need breaks. She said I need to exercise more and have girls nights.... HA! Easier said than done. But I did start off this week ok, by having the neighbors watch Colin while I exercise tonight... I am excited about that!!  And I think I will try to get my crazy hair cut while I'm at work this week too.

After giving myself time to digest our apt. I think it was a good wake up call. I hope I can change things up a bit. Although I'm not going to lie, our first cio nap has been going TERRIBLE! lol

1 comment:

Abby Reed said...

Glad you got some dr advice on sleeping - and don't rule out depression. Some moms get post partum several months after baby is born - and it's nothing to be ashamed or upset about! Hope the CIO method works!