Monday, May 21, 2012


This has been a really crazy couple of weeks. Since we returned from vacation I've been trying to play catchup. Ryan was gone a couple nights helping his brother move up to Denver and Colin hasn't been sleeping well. Between all of that I've been shot. Not to mention I was super busy at work planning a big program.

Pretty much I've been dead. I had such a hard time with my sleep deprivation this week that I thought about quitting just so I could take naps with Colin. Then he miraculously slept 5 hrs in his crib and I felt refreshed again... but he's slept horribly since then. I am at a loss with what to do. I am trying to push his crib more and he has started off in there every night since we got home from SC. One night it will be 5 hrs, the next night only 30 minutes. He isn't hungry, just waking up. Last night I put him to bed at 9 and even though he got up several times I didn't feed him until 2:30. I wish I knew I why he wasn't a good sleeper and could fix it. I usually bring him back into bed with us after he first wakes up from his crib, but I am going to start putting him back in the crib. Last night was my first attempt and it did not go well. I ended up sleeping with him in his room on the spare bed most of the night! Hoping the next couple nights goes better... because I have a very hard time functioning without sleep.

I have a ton of pictures and a ton to blog about... but my laptop is still broken... so I am using it as a desktop, connected to a monitor and it isn't as easy for me to get on it or blog.

The good news from last week was our baby sitter's schedule has freed up a bit and she is now available and willing to watch Colin Tuesday-Friday. I cannot begin to tell you how excited this made me! I have been researching day care and even made a couple phone calls already because he is just too much for me to keep taking to work. Our sitter is going away for a month this summer, to the Philippines, where she is from, but after she returns she is going to start watching Colin full time. While she is gone my mom and Ryan's grandparents are going to help us out with babysitting!

That is all for now!

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