Thursday, May 3, 2012

I sure hope this is teething...

The past couple of days have been rough. I come home from work totally drained. Colin has been unusually fussy and cranky and I sure hope it is teething and a stupid tooth will pop out soon so I can get my happy baby back!

Tonight Ryan is gone on a training and I literally didn't get to eat dinner until Colin went to sleep because he was so fussy. Luckily he's been asleep for an hour and I've been able to do all the things that I couldn't get done while he was awake (except shower... I'll do that in the morning... hopefully lol).

So really that is it for my blogging... I need to go to  bed, but I wanted to write that I sure hoped this is what teething was... because I need some sort of explanation for his yucky attitude.

My parents are coming this weekend so I spent the last couple minutes changing the sheets and such in the spare bedroom. They haven't seen Colin in a couple weeks and I think they will be amazed at how much he has grown.

Speaking of which, everyday I look at him and am amazed... it seems like he is just growing overnight. Then this morning I laughed because I thought, he probably is growing overnight... the darn kid is eating every 2 hours ROUND THE CLOCK, even at night... so he probably is growing like crazy!

I am excited for his 6 month apt. next week to see how much he has grown! I am not excited about his shots and the fact that we are flying out the next day to SC! Poor planning. Hopefully he isn't feeling yucky from his shots on our flight. :S

Ok, off to bed before my kid wakes up... night!

1 comment:

Abby Reed said...

Uh oh! Could you resched his appt for as soon as you get back from SC?