Saturday, April 7, 2012

5 months

Is my kid really almost a half year old? Lordy!!

At 5 months I think he is 15 lbs and close to 26 inches (We had to move his jump up higher, his car seat straps higher and take the pillow that he was standing on cause he was too short away from his activity center... so I think he grew and is taller than 25 inches! Lol)

He is still solely breastfed and hasn't had anything other than mamma's milk!  I am getting excited for solid foods! I already have a menu set up in my head for his first couple weeks and I am planning on just making most of his food!

He is getting much better at napping during the day and will take 2 good naps in his crib... even at my work!

Sleep at night still stinks... but is getting better. For the past 3 weeks or so his schedule has been in bed between 8:30 and 9 and then he will wake up around 1:30 for a feeding, then again around 4 or 4:30. Then he will either wake up with my alarm at 5:45  or sometimes he will sleep in until 6:30 ish.

He is sleeping in his crib for his first stretch of sleep. Which is awesome.  When he wakes up at 1:30 he comes to bed with us. I've tried putting him back in his crib for his second stretch of sleep, but he will only sleep about an hour... if that.... for some reason and I am too tired usually to keep trying so I just bring him to bed. Truth is, he is fun to snuggle with! I sleep on my side with my knees pulled up and he sleeps with his feet touching my legs, also on his side holding onto my chest (boob usually! Lol ) or the straps of my shirt. He is so fun to wake up with. These big ole baby eyes staring at you and his big ole smile! The other morning he was looking back and forth at Ryan and I trying to see if we were awake. We were tired and pretending to sleep so that he might fall back asleep.  He very quietly started talking and whispering his words to himself while we were sleeping. I thought it was the sweetest thing. Then he got bored and started grabbing our faces... Lol.

He is close to crawling. He can get on his knees and move a couple inches. He can roll at least 5 feet at a time.  You put him down somewhere,... he will not be in the same place when you return! I am betting he will be crawling by 6 months... we will see!

He is such a wiggle worm now. When you hold him, he doesn't just sit still he has to be moving, shaking or doing something or else he wants down already and starts arching his back to wiggle away from you. Unless he is tired, then he will snuggle you. I still think he is going to be a very active child!

He can grab almost anything. He is really perfecting the use of his hands and grabbing. Now if he drops a toy you can lean him over and he will pick it up all by himself. My favorite thing is that he started grabbing or reaching out for things... namely me! :) When he is on the ground, in a toy or someone else is holding him he will reach out for me. I love it! I think he is a mamma's boy.....

Loves his puppy and his daddy a lot.

He still isn't fond of bottles, but the baby sitter can get him to drink no problem. Ryan still has a very difficult time.

He squeals screeches and makes ALL kinds of noises and is very ticklish. I love when he cracks up laughing.  He is practicing his consonants. I heard him say the "D" sound the other day, and his new favorite is "S"! Lol  He likes making the Ssss sound.

Umm this is rather long and I could probably go on about how awesome my kid is for like an eternity so instead i will just show you a million pictures! Here are his 5 month shots!

1 comment:

Abby Reed said...

at least according to pictures, your kid is a red head! I love it!!!! He is looking so much like you, Jacks!