Thursday, March 8, 2012

Breastfeeding success

I am very proud to say that I have successfully breastfed Colin for 4 months... he has not had an ounce of formula.

Before he was born I knew breastfeeding was going to be very important to me and something I was going to be very passionate about. The past 4 months has not been easy for us, but we've pushed through the challenges and have made it.

As you probably know, Colin was born tongue-tied. That was VERY difficult to deal with and I *almost* gave up. But I was stubborn and stuck with it, because I knew it was best for my baby and honestly I think breastfeeding is rather addicting. After breastfeeding and then trying to give my baby a bottle because of his tongue, I felt crushed. It is such a close and powerful connection you get with your child when you breastfeed and the first time I gave him a bottle of pumped milk, I cried because I missed that connection and I knew then and there that I couldn't quit. I am very grateful that we were able to get Colin's tongue clipped. During that first month I also got a clogged duct and mastitis. During Colin's 2nd month he went through a weird phase where he didn't want to drink from my left side. He's over that, thank goodness. And this past month I got sick and my supply tanked... but I am happy to report that it is back! Hooray! I am so glad we've been able to move past everything successfully, it feels like we've come such a long way. I know there maybe more trials and tribulations along the way, but it is so worth it to me.

I have to credit a lot of my success to my friends. They have been such a great support system to me throughout this process.

I discovered that I am the first woman in my family to breastfeed in at least 3 generations. Isn't that crazy?? My mom didn't breastfeed and my grandma didn't either! How nuts is that? I couldn't believe it! That makes me feel even more proud.

I am very passionate about breastfeeding now and try to encourage and help others that maybe on the fence or having a hard time that it gets better. It may not always be easy, but it is definitely worth it.

I love those little moments, where it is just me and my baby and he looks up into my eyes and I hold his hand while he eats. Or when he is full and he pops off and looks up at me with a big smile, as if to say, Thanks for the milk Mom!

I am hopeful that we will be able to breastfeed for quite a few more months and I'd like to let him wean when he is ready. It is so amazing that he is growing strong and healthy for the past 4 months, just because of me. :)

1 comment:

Megan said...

I am so glad you made it to 9 months of breastfeeding. We had to stop at close to 4 months due to the allergies and be put of medical grade formula (Neocate) He has even had a blood allergy test which tested positive for eggs and cows milk. He is still allergic now at 11 months and we just trailed dairy again and it failed. I am so glad you got through your struggles. I can't imagine it being painful. For me it hurt my heart to see my baby like that, and thankful I was actually in pain.