What a time I had delivering Mr. Colin!
So as most of you know from my previous blogs, I went into labor Sunday, 11/6/11 at 3 am. I had contractions all day, but they weren't very painful until the afternoon/evening. I went to the hospital Sunday night at 8 pm. They checked me and I was only 2 cm. so they made me walk around the hospital for 2 hours. I walked and walked through some terrible contractions and they ended up sending me home because I was still only 2 centimeters dilated... even though I was having terrible contractions. The nurse told me to come back when they got worse or closer together... I asked her how they could get any worse! Ha! She told me I hadn't seen anything yet... she was right. That was the longest night of my life. I didn't sleep a wink and spent my time crying, walking, taking warm baths and doing anything else I possibly could to ease through the pain of contractions. It was terrible. I held out as long as possible at home, but came back in to the hospital about 11 hours after the first visit, at 7 am with horrendous contractions. This time I was NOT going to let them send me home! Lol Thankfully I was 4 cm dilated and finally admitted!
I labored for 2 hrs at the hospital before getting an epidural because they were monitoring Colin's heart rate because it kept dropping when I'd contract and the Dr. was worried I'd have to have a c-section. After his heart rate picked up and everything was good, I got the amazingly, wonderful, best invention on earth ever... epidural. It is THE MOST AMAZING thing... trust me on this. I know for many woman getting the epidural can slow labor down, but for me it did the opposite. Because I had been in labor for so long it relaxed my body and helped me dilate rather quickly! 3 hours with an epidural and I had dilated to 7! And 2 hours later fully dilated!
For some dumb reason I thought pushing would be the easy part... I know... I'm retarded. I pushed for an hour and a half ... it sucked! Lol I could feel lots of pressure and it felt like my epidural was wearing off and I was pushing and pushing as hard as I could... I was soo tired from laboring for over 30 hours and then Colin's heart rate started to get erratic so the doctor had to step in and help get him out faster. She ended up using the suction on his poor little head and I ended up with a 2nd degree tear! I had no clue pushing was going to be so hard... guess Colin has a big ole head! I am soo glad he is here... but after a labor like that, now I know why I am an only child! Lol. My doctors and nurses were amazing and encouraged me the whole way... I remember telling them a couple times while I was pushing that I just couldn't do it anymore, it was so hard and I wanted him out so bad!
Ryan held my leg while I pushed and he got to cut Colin's umbilical cord! They took Colin right away because he was gasping a bit and they wanted to make sure his lungs were ok. After some time in the nursery they brought him back and the doctor told me, he was trying to latch onto everything including his oxygen mask and would have no problem breastfeed... she was totally right! :)
He was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and it was love at first sight... for both Ryan and I! :) He looks JUST like his daddy!
I could stare at his little face... and every other part of him all day long. I think his ears are the cutest thing, his head the cutest... feet legs... everything. He is perfect. Ok. I could go on forever. But that is Colin's birth story and I have many more blogs to come!
Right after he was born!
After his first bath at the hospital |
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