Monday, October 24, 2011


One of the most important things that I want to do for baby Colin is to breastfeed him.  I'm not going to lie I am a little nervous about it, because I really want to succeed. What makes me feel good about it is knowing that women have been breastfeeding FOREVER!  However, just because people have been breastfeeding forever doesn't mean it is something that is easy to do. As one of my friends recently told me, if it was easy there wouldn't be books and lactation consultants just for breastfeeding! As my doctor told me, not only are you learning how to breastfeed, but so is your baby. Some babies pick up on it easily and others take a little big time and need a little bit of help. So really I am aware that it can go either way and that we may have a hard time with it.

I've read books... but I know nothing will compare to actually trying it and experiencing it for myself.

I am hoping that Colin and I will be a natural at it... Ha! One can hope, right?! Lol  But if we aren't, I am going to try my darnedest to being successful at it and sticking to it.  One of the things I'm doing is not keeping any formula in the house... I know that might seem crazy or silly... but if it isn't there then I won't be tempted to use it and I will be more likely to stick it out breastfeeding. Or at least that is my thoughts. The other thing is, my breast pump. We just bought a Medela Pump in Style. I figure... if we are really truly struggling breastfeeding... I can always pump and give him a bottle. Which I know would be a major pain in the rear to do on a regular basis, but I feel like breastfeeding is what is best for the both of us and as long as I could come up with a good routine it would be worth it.

I will be sure to update after we have Colin on how we are doing with it!! :) I think my biggest problem will be relaxing when I am frustrated with it. I am already looking forward to some skin to skin contact with my little man and I think that in itself will help the both of us and will definately relax me!  We shall see!


Abby Reed said...

I literally have dreams where I am unable to breasfeed and it scares the crap out of me, lol. You succeed at everything you do - so you will be amazing! :)

Medela said...

Hi, Jaclyn. This is Katie from Medela. It's great to hear that you're dedicated to providing the best nutrition for your little one. If you need any advice, please reach out to our Lactation Consultant: