Lets talk about cravings!
So with Colin I craved... who remembers??? Raspberries. Like crazy insane. I was out of control. This time around I think because we are paleo I've been craving bread. And no I don't deny myself these cravings!
Specifically I crave English Muffins! Oh my! They are so glorious! I may have to go make one as soon as I'm done typing! Lol Funny story. We've been paleo for... a little over a year. So when I got the hankering for an english muffin I went to the store and bought a package. Only to come home and discover... gasp... we DONT own a toaster!!!! For real! We had been paleo for so long and hadn't had bread in our house for so long that our toaster had somehow vanished. I looked EVERYWHERE for that dang toaster. I got really tired of frying up english muffins with coconut oil on the frying pan that I did go out and buy one! Let me just say it is SOO much easier to fulfill that craving now! Lol
I've been trying to eat healthy.. .but when you are nauseous and no food sounds good sometimes it is hard to eat healthy!! I'm definitely indulging a bit more than usual and not exercising as much as I'd like because I'm just too... tired and busy. But Hoping as I get out of this first trimester and into the second that my energy levels will hop back up and I can get back into eating our normal meals and exercising more!
Monday, April 20, 2015
Sunday, April 19, 2015
New jobs and such.
So along with being pregnant I also started a new job. Not the best timing, but at least it will keep me busy! I started a job with the breastfeeding task force in my state as the northwest regional coordinator. My position is only for 7 months, so literally a few days before I'm due it ends! Immaculate timing! The position is work from home with some travel and only about 15 hours a week. So it is pretty doable, even with being a stay at home mom and being pregnant! Plus it falls right into what I love, supporting breastfeeding advocacy and nursing mothers in my area! So far it has been a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to my work in this position! I also quit my job... for now... with the newspaper. I enjoyed writing for the paper it was just a lot of work and very little pay. It was like a hobby. I really wanted to focus on this new position so I knew I had to cut something else out of my schedule and that was it. Bittersweet for sure, but I'm excited for this new opportunity!
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Pregnancy the first 10 weeks!
So obviously I've been holding out on everyone a bit! I am 10 weeks pregnant!!
We had been trying for about a year and half, but because we were still nursing (and still are) my cycles had been either non existent or just super crazy! Finally at the end of last year I had a few cycles in a row and things finally got consistent enough for me to get pregnant! We got our positive test the week after Valentine's Day!
It was super faint so I took about a gazillion more and enjoyed watching that second line get darker and darker each day!

I actually KNEW I was pregnant within days ovulation! Which is totally crazy! I had sore Breasts almost immediately and light cramping and exhaustion like 5 days post ovulation! I did a double workout one day and could hardly move the next day. I was like what in the world is wrong with me? I just knew I was pregnant! Which is why I tested and got a faint line like 10 days out!
This pregnancy has been a bit different than the first time around. My exhaustion is crazy. I just fall over in the afternoons. I imagine it is because I am chasing after a toddler all day, but I worked full time the first time around, so I dunno!! I've been a lot more nauseous too. I've even ordered meals at restaurants and when they bring it out I'm too nauseous to eat it. That never happened to me the first time around. I am either starving or sick! I get up in the middle of the night and chow down because I'm starved!
I also popped out immediately! I gained 3 inches in my midsection the first week I was pregnant and couldn't fit into my jeans anymore! So sad! Lol It has been so hard to wait to tell people and hide it!! I also swore I was having twins because I was so big and I've been feeling lots of movement already. And colin told us there were 3 in there!
This time around I am having a midwife at the hospital. Everyone I say midwife to assumes I'm having a home birth. Not yet, we will see how this birth goes! Lol maybe the next time! Ha! Yesterday was my second midwife apt. I really loved the midwife I met with she was so excited I was coming to see them since she has seen my name on LLL stuff this past year! They checked for multiples and believe (unless one is hiding) that there is only one in there! They felt my uterus, which is the size of an orange right now. And they checked with a Doppler to hear the heartbeat. Baby kept moving and flipping and they couldn't get a good heartbeat over mine. But then they pulled out their old ultrasound machine and they were able to see baby, a fluttering heartbeat and just one sac!
I still can't believe it! It is so amazing! Colin said he didn't see his baby ( it was hard to see) but he did hear it!! He was excited about it!
Speaking of he has been so so thrilled! He told me the first week I was pregnant that he wished there was a window in my tummy so the baby could see him and he could see the baby! That just makes me melt!
I think this pic is 6 and 8 weeks (I need to label better!)
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
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