Saturday was an interesting day. It started off normal. I exercised, came home and picked up the boys for our friends birthday party. Spent lunch time at the park. We ran a quick errand and then headed home. On the way home and almost a mile from our house we got hit by a drunk driver. We were making a turn and waiting for traffic when out of nowhere someone slammed into us from behind. They didn't even hit their brakes and were going probably 30 mph. Thankfully we were in our truck and have a big ball and hitch, which is what they hit. They broke the hitch, but that was about it for our damage. Their vehicle was totalled. Thankfully minus some whiplash we were all ok. The other driver spent the weekend in jail and we were ok to enjoy the rest of our weekend!
Ryan's brother came in Saturday night... With the intentions to use our truck to tow his old truck. Ha! That wasn't going to happen! And we were also going to go down to Grants and use the truck to tow Ryan's car out of the garage there... But that also wasn't going to happen! We had wanted to Ryan's brother out on the lake too, but couldn't tow our boat!
Sunday we relaxed. Went to church, had a sushi lunch, did a crazy workout and went for a walk by the river after dinner. We also convinced our good friend to go boating with us on Monday and tow the boat!!
So that is what we did! Got to spend a nice day out on the lake Monday cruising around!
Tuesday after a quick chiropractor visit for my neck I went with my brother in law to Socorro for the night to visit my parents and we came back yesterday! My parents had found a turtle wandering the road the day before we got there and saved it for Colin. We ended up taking it home, but I did a ton of research on the drive and discovered it needed lots of water and we just didn't have that to offer it without building a pond in our backyard. He was pretty big so we would have needed a giant aquarium if we kept him indoors and I felt bad taking him from the wild... So we brought him to the river! I put him about a foot from the water and he quickly dived in an was happy as can be!