Friday, March 21, 2014

Blog loving

So in my spare time I've been cheating on my blog... By posting on another blog!  I am now doing foodie Fridays every other week or so on Amelia and me's blog. I am anything but crafty and their blog is filled with lots of talented ladies who are oh so crafty, so go check out their blog! But I do know food! This paleo diet has had me making lots of different and interesting meals so it only makes sense I blog about it while I go! And if you follow my Instagram (jaclynwags) I also post food porn all the time! 

Here is my foodie post from today!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

1 month paleo pictures

Ok I am pretty much mortified to post this... But for some damn reason I am anyway... 

Took my 1 month of paleo pictures. My side view was pretty disappointing but my front view.. Woah! 

You can definitely tell I've toned up. I gain weight in my tummy and alway have. The rest of me stays the same!  

Technically I've lost 6 pounds since my initial weigh in. However, the week before we started paleo I had eaten everything naughty in my house and had gained 4 pounds! So I feel like I'm not really to far from where I was before, but I suppose the pictures prove otherwise!

I think it helps that the lighting makes me more tan too... So I guess without further adeu...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Mr. Independent

I'm pretty sure Colin could survive quite awhile on his own. This kid has become mr. I can help myself to everything.  

Saturday was my exercise morning so Ryan was watching him. He went to take a shower and Colin decided he wanted some fruit. Ryan comes out of the shower and Colin is sitting on his stool (that he used to get an apple and a banana and a fork) and had stabbed the apple a few times, peeled the banana and was trying to figure out how to eat it with his fork. 

Today while I took a shower he helped himself to some honey in the pantry, let the dog out of the laundry, used his stool to get the play dough and some markers and a coloring book... All in about 10 minutes! He used to be content watching cartoons while I showered... Now not so much! 

Oh yeah and this weekend he figured out that if he could open the door from the laundry room to the garage he could go outside and play through the doggy door...  So we have our first child locks on a door! Aye! 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happy 1 month paleo!

Well, we are officially one month into eating paleo. And I celebrated by having ice cream! (Don't judge meh) It was my first big cheat in a month. My brother in law told me to have a cheat meal every weekend, but we haven't! We have been really good!  I can count on one hand the cheats I've had and they are so minimal. My brother in law told me to live a little so I did! Ha ha! 

Honestly I don't feel much different. I haven't lost very much weight either, which is a bummer considering I haven't eaten sugar or bread in a month! My husband on the other hand has lost 10 pounds! He is pretty stoked!

My initial goal was only to do this for a month, however Ryan's challenge is 8 weeks and since I have to cook for him I may try to do it longer. Although the thought of eating cheese again and granola is tempting. We shall see!  

I did before pictures thinking it would be some drastic change, but really I feel the same and feel like I look the same. I may take some today or Tuesday and see if I notice a difference. That maybe my deciding factor to being paleo further. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

2 year old love

Life is crazy sometimes and so are two year olds!  We had a crazy weekend with family visiting and my kid acted like a wild child. 

These are times where I love nursing.   When life is crazy and so is your kid, it is nice to be able to let him melt into mama for a few quiet and calm moments during the day. It makes me wonder if we weren't nursing if we would still get these moments? 

Would I still get these early morning and late afternoon snuggles? Or would they be gone? I am thankful for these moments. They remind me of our closeness and our bond and they remind me of the little boy who isn't so little anymore.  

Thursday, March 6, 2014

What are you giving up for lent?

Me, nothing! Just kidding... Kind of! I mean we are already doing the paleo challenge during the Lenten season, so... I'm not really sure how much more I can give up without withering away! 

So I came up with another idea. Instead of giving something up, I am going to give to others.  

I came up with the idea while at the grocery store on Tuesday. I was driving away and watched this little old lady struggling with her groceries and thought to myself someone should help her! (As I was driving away of course) She inspired me and I decided that I would do random acts of kindness for lent.  

Now I'm not sure I can do 40... But I am more about quality not quantity! I will try to do 40, but for me it will be more of doing small things, even if it is just a simple smile and hello to a stranger. 

Today was my first day of this and I started strong. We were meeting a friend for a playdate so I bought her a Starbucks drink, and I bought the lady behind me in line's order at the drive up before we met up. I also struck up a conversation with the sweet lady out cleaning the park we met at, which normally I wouldn't have. (I have weird stranger issues) 

I told my friend about my plan and she wants to help me. We talked about taking the kids to a senior center and/or having them make pictures to bring, stopping by the hospital with baked goods or flowers for the nurses, and stopping by a fire station with baked goods (with the side intention of possibly giving our boys a look at an engine!) 

I have a few new neighbors I've yet to meet so I plan on welcoming them to the neighborhood and I saw on Pinterest leaving quarters in the toy dispensers and thought that was a fun one!   

What other fun/thoughtful things can I or should I look into, any ideas??