Tuesday, February 11, 2014


So I returned from a weekend away doing the baby shower for my good friend to my husband... Who declares he going to do a Paleo challenge with his crossfit people. At first I was like, oh that's cool... But then I realized I make all of Ryan's food... So therefore I need to cook and essentially eat Paleo as well. 

Cue freak out. I thought I'd be fine...  But then I realized I couldn't eat my homemade granola for breakfast that I really love and I wasn't quite sold! Ha ha! 

For those that don't know Paleo is going back to the hunter gather ways and eating things that can be hunted or gathered. So lots of meat, fruits, veggies and nuts. And that's about it. 

I will be blogging along the way and sharing some good recipes I stumble upon! Wish us luck! 

I figure I may not make it the full 8 weeks! But I'm aiming for 30 days and hopeful I will lose a few pounds. I've never in my life done a diet of any sort! 

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