9 months is kind of an epic month... It means he has been out of this world as long as he was growing inside me. Tear... my baby is growing up!
At 9 months according to my at home calculations he is 18 lbs and 27 inches long... but we go to the Dr. next week, so we shall see. I'm always waaay off from my calculations so we'll see, but now that he can sit on the scale by himself that I think will help in our accuracy!
He wears size 3 diapers and 9-12 month clothes
The big news thi month is that he has 5 teeth! FIVE! 4 more than last month!
At 9 months he eats EVERYTHING! His favorite foods are still avocados, blueberries, bananas and now pasta! He would eat pasta every meal if I let him... that inner Italian is coming out... Mama is soo proud ;) !! He also hardly eats purees anymore. Mostly just finger foods or whatever we eat.
His sleep is just horrible again. He started sleeping better at 8 months and I was soo optimistic. He was giving me 2-4 hours stretches every night... then the past week or so its all gone downhill and he gets up every 1- 2 hours. Sigh.... and Yawn. I'm so dang frustrated and tired when it comes to his sleep!
Anywho, he pulls himself up onto EVERYTHING, he's balanced with one hand, but yet to balance with no hands, although I think he will walk within the next month. (Ha! I probably said that last month too, I will have to check! ) He is a crazy speed crawler, if it was an olympic sport he'd have a good shot at winning!!
He waves and/or makes the sign for milk, says: Mama, Dada, Yeah Yeah, and his knew sound is Oooooh. He jibber jabbers and yell off and on ALL day!
He loves his dog and looks for her when you ask her where she is.
Loves to read books, sing and dance and be outside. He will it in his stroller even in the house if he thinks it means he might get to go outside on a walk ;)
He is still very social, but that darned ole separation anxiety has kicked in and he has gotten very clingy. Luckily when he says good bye at the babysitters she brings him outside and he gets distracted waving and watching my wheels spin/birds fly or other cars go by that he forgets I am leaving!
And now, picture overload... I still don't know why they are posting sideways. Oh and I am pretty sure by 10 months I am going to get a billiard ball thrown at my head. He was picking it up and then dropping it behind him... all he was missing was that forward motion!
1 comment:
Hang in there with the lack of sleep. For every milestone (and tooth) sleep is always the one thing that gets interrupted. Every 1-2 hours is rough!
He is perfect though and those curls are beyond adorable!
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