Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Phone Dump!

Hanging with Aunt Katie at my work

pooped after all our company left

<3 Love this


I bought this outfit for our God daughter before she was born... and before my Aunt and Uncle even knew if they were having a boy or a girl! Lol It got passed down! :)

In his Johnny Jump up for the first time... surrounded by blankets cause he is a bit too tiny.

Praying... Lol He loves to hold onto his hands and he fell asleep like this at my work today! :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

I'm alive...

That was the worst week ever! I survived... the flu?? or whatever the heck it was. Initially they thought I had strep. I went back to the dr. 2 days later still feeling like death and it turns out my strep test that they had sent off came back negative and that is why I still wasn't feeling well. So, then they decided I had the flu and gave me steroids to treat pneumonia. Oh Lord. 

I had a fever from Monday until Friday afternoon. That was by far the worst. Now I just can't breathe well, both from my nose, stuffed and forget it... and my from my chest. Apparently the mucous going into my chest is triggering asthmatic symptoms. :)  So besides not being able to breathe.... which makes it hard to sleep... I am doing good. I felt much more like Jackie when I woke up this morning. Which felt great.

Good timing, since I am again plum out of leave and have to be at work tomorrow. This is going to be a rough week, but hopefully I will start feeling 100% very soon.

Also hoping my milk supply comes back to its usual self. This darn sickness totally drained me. (literally) But I guess the good things to come out of this, Colin has HAD to take a bottle each day because I just don't have enough milk and not only are his bottle feedings going better, but he is drinking out of like normal regular old bottles. And the other good thing is I was down to my pre-pregnancy weight this morning! Lol But I haven't been eating very much.

I have no idea how I would have survived this week without my husband. I could never be a single mom... I would totally have to move in with my parents. Lol He gave me some much needed breaks this week so I could regain sanity... and try to sleep.

Now to go clean my house which looks like a hurricane hit it. Ugh. It is disgusting.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Strep throat sucks!

Today I am sick as dog... actually I've had a fever since Monday night. I thought it might go away... but no luck.  I woke up this morning with a fever of 101 and killer sore throat, swallowing, hiccuping, couching you name it and my throat would just die of pain!  So I took the day off and went to the doctor. Just as I suspected, the Dr. thinks I have strep. The good thing is babies can't get strep! Whew! :)

Colin also got a shot while we were there because they were out of one when we went to his last apt.

Let me just say, taking care of a baby when you feel like death SUCKS. All I want to do is curl up in bed. My body aches and I'm sweating buckets. :(  To top it off Colin has been very needy... probably his shot. And every time I cough or try to clear my throat he gets scared and cries.   Sigh... and it is only like 1 something. Officially the longest day ever! I can't wait for Ryan to get home. If I had any energy I would call the babysitter and see if she could watch Colin... but that would require driving to her house... and I don't have the energy... I barely survived picking up my prescription.

And not only do I have strep, but my neck and back are out of alignment, I can't bend over very well or turn my neck. Ugh... when it rains it pours.

This picture sums up my day!   :(

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rolly Polly

My child has turned into a rolly polly this weekend. He has been rolling from tummy to back for awhile now, but this weekend... with a full audience of family members that were here to visit, he decided he would roll from back to tummy.  Now the second you put him on the ground he rolls from back to tummy and then back to his back.  He usually does it really fast too! It is like speed rolling. I am thinking he won't be staying on his play mat very much longer and he will be rolling off of it soon... I have a feeling he is going to be an active child.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Waggoner Family Visit Pictures

Well our company has come and gone... and we miss them soo much already!  I wish we could have kidnapped them and kept them for a couple weeks... if not longer! :)

Aunt Becca and Aunt Katie with their nephew for the very first time!

Grandma Holli

Great Grandpa and Grandpa playing with Colin

My favorite picture of the weekend... Grandpa and Colin playing.

4 generations of Waggoner boys

Aunt Katie reading him a bedtime story

I look like poo... but LOVE colin's face! lol

Playing with Great Grandpa

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Phone Dump!

Workin' with Momma... sitting up like a big boy with a big ole drool puddle on his pants! Lol

Hugging his bunny while he naps at work!

Too cute!

Finally got up our soccer mobile... and Colin LOVES it!

And my favorite... Lol.  He looks like such a big boy in his bumbo!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Family visit

This weekend will be very epic for us. Ryan's Dad, Step mom and twin sisters are coming to meet Colin for the very first time. They live in Dallas and we see them usually about twice a year. Which is soo hard because we all used to live in the same town and we were VERY close with Ryan's sisters. They are only 13, but have grown up so fast since they moved to Texas. We miss them very much. There are always tons of tears when we leave them on both sides. (But I will try not to think about that yet.)

They've been trying to come visit us since Colin was born, but Ryan's dad got sick and ended up in the hospital the week they were supposed to come. So they've been trying to figure out when to come here and decided this long weekend would be best. They can't spend very long here, which is a bummer, but anytime is better than nothing!!

We last saw them this summer when we went to Dallas to visit them for the 4th of July weekend. That was what I wanted for my birthday! lol. I LOVE Ryan's step mom, she is the nicest sweetest lady and I love spending time with her.

Since they rarely come and visit, the rest of Ryan's family is also coming to see them. Ryan's brother and his fiance are coming, Ryan's Grandparents and my parents.  Lord help us. Poor Colin is going to be manhandled like no other. But I can't wait for them to meet him for the first time and for the girls to see their nephew! :)

I will take TONS of pictures and post them all, I'm sure.  I wish I could kidnap them and keep them awhile longer because I will be working most of the time they are here. But they are planning on watching Colin  while I am working and really that is what it is all about, him.

 So now I am off to clean my house... and bed! :) I probably won't post until after they leave... but at least you know why!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!

First 2 weeks of work...

Well, I figured I would update on how work is going since we are now 2 weeks in!

Working with a baby is usually very good... and makes your day go by VERY quickly. UNLESS, baby refuses to nap and is fussy. Then working with a baby is not so fun.

Most days my kid does really well. I try to keep him in the back away from the visitors most of the time. But sometimes when I am left working alone that doesn't always work out. Luckily people love babies. So every time I bring him out front they are very receptive to him! :)

I really try hard to make sure that having my baby there doesn't affect my work. Most days it doesn't. Friday was an exception (I hope) because he was really fussy and didn't want to be put down... or nap. Luckily my coworkers seem very understanding.

His first day at the sitter and daddy son day went very well with the exception of bottle feeding...

I never would've thought 2 months ago that mt kid would have a hard time with bottles! When we were having a hard time with breastfeeding because of Colin's tongue tie he took bottles all the time, no problem. Now... not so much.

His first Saturday with Daddy went ok and he actually ate really well. So I wasn't worried about the sitter and thought he'd be fine. Well, she said he had a VERY hard time with bottle. And then Saturday when he was with Ryan he pretty much refused to eat until I got home. He ate only an ounce in the morning and an ounce in the afternoon. Luckily I came home to feed him at lunch time.  When I got home from work he was starving and I had just pumped not to long before that so I didn't have enough to satisfy him. We both tried for hours trying to get him to take a bottle. I think we eventually got maybe 2 ounces down him before bedtime. It was terrible. I guess I will probably not pump very much at work so I can feed him a lot when I am done with work and I may run to the sitters to feed him during the day if he is having a hard time.... sigh.  And yes, we've tried all sorts of bottles and they all have similar results. His kinda sorta fav is the MAM bottle. I can at least see him trying to suck that one.

Luckily for the next two weeks he is only at the sitter one day. So it shouldn't be too traumatic!

On a lighter note, he is sleeping better! When Ryan got home from his work trip this week, we started trying to put Colin in his crib after he falls asleep in our bed. So far it is working really nicely. He's slept 4+ hours every night in his crib. He wakes up hungry and I get him and bring him back to our bed to feed him! Lol Two steps forward one step back. But I think we are all sleeping better for at least those 4 hours at night! Colin and I are both really light sleepers and I think we'd both wake each other up. Anytime he'd move around I'd wake up and wonder if he was hungry and sometimes he wasn't and wouldn't want to eat and would just go back to sleep. And I could tell every time Ryan and I move around in bed, it kind of wakes him up and he stirs.  So I think sleeping separately will be the best for everyone to get rest.  I go check on him a lot at night when he is in the crib and he always seems to be sleeping so peacefully and restful.  :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Spit Bubbles...

Ryan said I was a bad mom because I taught Colin to play with his spit bubbles yesterday! Lol. I thought it was pretty dern funny! :)

Rough Week

I am SOO glad it is Friday and I'm sorry I haven't posted all week. BUT, I've been a single momma all week long. For the most part it has been pretty easy, but I had a little breakdown on Wednesday. I worked like normal with the baby and then we went out to dinner. I came home around 7 and my house was a disaster. It stunk, there was crap everywhere... I just felt like I'd totally failed at being a wife and cleaning up my house while also working. Then after I got out of the shower, I took a peek in the mirror (MISTAKE) and I was like, gross... I look like I've gained weight instead of lost it. I just felt gross. To top it off I had heard some really sad news that day that had just really bummed me out... oh and not to mention my kid has decided not to sleep much this week.

Anyway, we are doing better now that I know that Ryan will be home tonight! Yay!!  Yesterday I had no dinner plans and when I came home Colin slept for about an hour... so I rushed around and cleaned my house. I did dishes, emptied the dishwasher, picked up the kitchen, emptied all the trashcans in the entire house and put the trashcan out on the street for trash day... and then made dinner and lunch for myself. I felt so accomplished.

I haven't been the healthiest this week, which could be why I don't feel very healthy. I don't eat well when I am alone, because I don't like to cook for myself. To top it off, there is some girl that comes to my work selling goodies. I'm talking warm delicious brownies and my weakness rice crispy treats. I made the mistake in saying I didn't like brownies with nuts and the darn girl came back the next day with brownies without nuts... JUST for me. Umm... how do you not buy any when they are made special for you... Plus all the hot chocolates I've drank... instead of coffee to keep me going due to lack of sleep. I did walk everyday this week during my lunch break, but I doubt that even burned off half a damn brownie.

And then there is sleep. My kid slept like a little angel all last week. The weekend hit and he slept horrible. He slept good Monday night, only getting up once... and then the rest of week he's gotten up every 1-2 hours... with last night and the night before sleeping one 3 hr stretch. Ugh. Last week he slept 6 hours straight one night... I don't know what has changed. But I've been very tired at work all week.  We've been doing REALLY good at bedtime. He is asleep EVERY night by 9 if not earlier and with no problems. I think we've really found our routine well... not if only I can figure out how to get and keep him sleeping longer.

I'm glad we survived our week alone, but I'm ready for my husband to come home and I think Colin is too!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

3 Months Old

My baby is 3 months old! Where has the time gone?! 

We don't have an apt. this month, but I weighed him this morning and the scale said 13.6 pounds and I'm assuming 24 inches or longer now.
  • He is wearing 3-6 month clothes and in size 2 diapers.
  • His longest sleep stretch was 6 hours (last week! :) )
  • He is drinking about 4 ounces every feeding (we know this now because of his bottle feedings!)
  • He laughes when he gets tickled and occasionally when you do something funny
  • Has rolled over tummy to back
  • Loves grabbing things and gets really focused when he is trying to grab something.
  • He LOVES standing up and sitting up and tries to sit up and stand up by himself. All you have to do is give him your fingers and he will pull himself up. He could stand FOREVER if you let him.
  • Babbles forever some days and has really found his voice.
  • Loves singing and books and the kitty.

Here is his 3 month shoot:  

Monday, February 6, 2012

Cough. Noise.

Ever since Colin was very little he would do this thing  where he would cough once or twice and then make a noise afterwards like he was expecting a cough to come out, but it doesn't. It cracks us up every time and I caught it on video today. It really makes me laugh, hope it makes you smile too! :)


I now weigh as much as I did last Thanksgiving (when I went on a diet! Lol)!  Mostly what I did last year was start exercising more and counting calories and I lost about 5 lbs before I got pregnant. I was thinking of starting counting calories again... but you know I really don't want to. I LOVE food... sigh.


Sunday, February 5, 2012


So proud of my little boy! Not only did he do really well with Daddy yesterday taking 2 bottles from him, but when I came home from work and was playing with him he rolled over for the first time!

He was VERY good for his dad yesterday, almost too good! Lol. He even let daddy take a nap! Man, Monday I was begging for nap and he would not let me get one! Darn kid... maybe he is a daddy's boy already! I was secretly hoping he'd be kind of a handful so Ryan would know why I get nothing done some days.  But truthfully he is usually a really good boy, I just stare at him all day the days when I don't get anything done.

I am soo glad he took a bottle for Ryan. Makes me very happy!! He even took about an ounce from me when I got home because I didn't want to waste what was left in the bottle. I don't know whether it was the new bottle I bought or not, but I'm so overjoyed it wasn't an issue. One less thing to worry about when I drop him off with the babysitter on Tuesday!

And about the rolling over. I've been waiting for him to roll over for weeks now, on his back. When he lays on his back he will roll over to side and kicks his legs over. I thought he would roll over for the first time that way. Yesterday he was doing tummy time and holding his head up forever. I was all impressed so I went down to talk with him while he was holding his head up. The next second, he leaned to the side, kicked his legs and rolled over to his back! I couldn't believe my eyes! I've tried to get him to do it again, he's been close, but hasn't done it again.

I just feel like he's growing up so fast already, right before my eyes! :(

Friday, February 3, 2012

Phone Dump!

Tummy time is fun time!

Especially when you can lift your head to watch TV

His first morning of work... He did NOT want to get up! Lol

I forgot what a pretty view I have at work! :)

Colin Working the front desk

Doing some computer work...

In his Forest Service attire... not mommy's agency, but we all work together like a big happy family!

Why do you keep putting this camera thing in my face MOM!

How he spent 2 hours of his day today!

Tomorrow is D Day.

Daddy- son day... otherwise known as, I've never spent longer than an hour away from my kid and tomorrow I am going to work and leaving him with his Daddy ALL DAY LONG. (Ok I'll probably be home for lunch... but still).

I hope the three of us survive!!  Lol


I've been pretty nervous about dropping Colin off next week at the babysitters. Even if it is just for one day a week right now that is still scary for me. I've never left Colin for more than an hour so I imagine I'm going to have some separation anxiety! Lol

To help ease into it, I asked if I could brig Colin over to meet her before his first day there. We went over last night. I brought milk, diapers and wipes over too.

Let's just say I was really impressed! I feel like she really knows what she's doing. As soon as I walked in, she immediately took him out of his car seat and held him and talked to him. I think  he was like, whoa lady, who are you and what are you doing. He had this concerned look on his face and I thought he was going to cry. But he didn't.

I had made her a list of things he likes, his general schedule, feeding and sleeping habits and our contact numbers. She really liked that, especially the things he likes. She got all excited and read my entire list. She also told me to bring a t-shirt that smells like me because she'd like to use it when she feeds him and puts him to sleep. That might have been where I was kind of sold.

She said she wants me to call her throughout the day and check on him and she would give me a report on how he was doing, how much he ate and has gotten changed and what they've done. She said she likes when parents check on their kids. She also said to stop by whenever I wanted to if I miss him and I could come during my lunch break to visit and feed him. That might have been where I was kind of sold too.

But the part where I was REALLY sold on her was when after almost an hour of holding and talking to Colin she turned him around to look at her and he smiled and laughed at her. Yup. That's what did it.

He just started laughing this week. Mostly when he gets tickled, but he's laughed at me like maybe 2 times. For him to laugh at her... I figured he must like her.  I told her we needed to go home and go to bed and we packed up. We will be back on Tuesday, for his first day at the sitters!

All of this excitement must have tuckered him out (he's bee sleeping really well since I went to work, thank goodness), but last night he had 2 four hour stretches of sleep. Wonderful! :)

2 more days of work and then my weekend!!! Colin gets to spend Saturday with Daddy! I'm excited for them and hoping he will do well at taking a bottle! EEeek. Wish them luck!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bassinet Fail

So I am not the biggest fan of cosleeping, but during some desperate times of sleep deprivation I gave in and it actually worked, so we kind of stuck with it. Colin sleeps fairly well, I do not. I am paranoid about him suffocating plus Ryan is a very heavy sleeper and I am scared he will roll onto him  or roll and cover his mouth or something, so I hold onto Colin so I know for sure that Ryan won't smother him or he won't roll off the bed! Which means my arms fall asleep, I can't get comfy and I can't sleep well most nights. 

He seems to sleep pretty soundly during his first couple stretches of sleep so I thought maybe I'd wait until he fell asleep and then put him in his bassinet, which is still sitting right next to the bed. The past 2 nights I gave it a shot. Night before last, Ryan thought it was hilarious. Colin was passed out in bed, I picked him up very carefully and put him in his bassinet. The second I put him down his eyes popped open and he started smiling. I  brought him back to bed and his eyes close and he is asleep. Again, I go back to the bassinet and he did the same thing! Eyes pop open and he starts smiling! Lol. Back to our bed and he closes his eyes and goes to sleep!  I think I've created a monster!

I tried again last night because I knew he was REALLY tired from our first day of work.  He actually lasted about 45 minutes in the bassinet before he woke up. I brought him to bed, cause I was super tired and he slept 5 hours.... so.... yeah.  45 mins vs. 5 hrs. Hmm... no wonder we cosleep! lol

He seems to like his crib better than his bassinet so I'm hoping he will sleep better in that... but I am just too lazy to get up and go all the way to the nursery every 2-3 hours (or less) at night to feed him. I keep hoping that once he starts sleeping longer is when I can try it.

Oh well, I guess if he sleeps with us til he is 5 I will get used to cosleeping and learn to sleep better! Lol