Monday, October 31, 2011
39 weeks
How far along?: 39 weeks
How big is baby?: According to Baby Center, little Colin may measure around 20 inches and be about 7 pounds.
Weight gain/loss?: I *think* I am pushing 30 pounds. My weight goal for myself was about 30 and I think I've hit it. Although some days it is more and some days it is less than that. I am hoping I don't gain much more, but this damn Halloween season isn't helping! Pumpkin ice cream, Pumpkin blizzards from DQ, Candy corn... and now Halloween night... it is like oh hey kids, one candy for you and one for this ginormous pregnant lady, thanks, Bye! :)
Stretch marks?: I have some on my thighs, not bad though and some very light ones on my love handles. I was very lucky! I am hoping my boobs don't get any when my milk comes in!
Maternity clothes?: Of course I am in maternity clothes... but I must say some of them that fit me this whole time no longer fit me. I pretty much am only wearing one pair of maternity jeans, the full panel stretchy ones. The others that are just stretchy around the waistline are very uncomfy and dig into my wide belly. Really I am ready to not wear maternity clothes anymore... because I feel pretty huge and only the biggest things fit me. :S
Sleep?: This past week my sleep has been pretty horrendous. I went from getting up once a night and sleeping relatively good, to get up 2-5 times a night and sleeping very restlessly. I think most of that has to do with anxiety and I've found that if I tire myself out I sleep better... so there will be lots of long walks in my future!
Food cravings?: Still Raspberries, I've been on a pumpkin kick because of the season and also a cinnamon toast crunch kick... mmm....
Gender?: Boy
Movement?: Hiccups almost everyday and just within this past week a limb of some sort keeps poking out on my side. It is the first time I've felt a limb because he's been facing towards the inside and it is pretty cool. The Dr. said it was an elbow at our visit last week, but I think it is like knee or something. It feels so weird when you feel it poking out and then it moves away from your hand! Creeepy!
Belly button: I have an innie belly button and that is how it will stay! Yay!
What are you looking forward to this week?: Hopefully having this kid! Lol We are going to have a long talk tomorrow because come November first his eviction notice is in effect! ;)
I have been dropping the past couple weeks. Funny thing is I first noticed I had dropped when I sat down one day and my belly was touching my legs. I've never had my belly touch my legs before! I was like, what the heck is this! Ha!
Another thing I noticed was my belly was hanging lower. Some of the shirts I have worn this entire pregnancy all of a sudden don't fit. Not that they are too small, BUT my belly hangs down to far. It is like an old fat man's belly that hangs down below his shirt... you know what I'm talking about! Yeah....
Even at work one of my coworkers was like, wow, you are having some serious hang over with that belly! Lol Thanks.
I have been feeling more pressure when I sit down. I've been sitting on an exercise ball at night and doing stretches on it for my back and hips and if I sit on it too long I feel a lot of pressure. Hopefully that is a good sign! :)
Now lets see if this droppage shows up in pictures so I can have proof! Will hopefully take my 39 week (gasp) pictures today after my parents leave!
Another thing I noticed was my belly was hanging lower. Some of the shirts I have worn this entire pregnancy all of a sudden don't fit. Not that they are too small, BUT my belly hangs down to far. It is like an old fat man's belly that hangs down below his shirt... you know what I'm talking about! Yeah....
Even at work one of my coworkers was like, wow, you are having some serious hang over with that belly! Lol Thanks.
I have been feeling more pressure when I sit down. I've been sitting on an exercise ball at night and doing stretches on it for my back and hips and if I sit on it too long I feel a lot of pressure. Hopefully that is a good sign! :)
Now lets see if this droppage shows up in pictures so I can have proof! Will hopefully take my 39 week (gasp) pictures today after my parents leave!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
A letter to Colin
Dear Colin,
I prayed for you for a long time and loved you even longer. I've always known that I wanted to have kids and when your daddy and I decided we were ready for a baby I thought it would be something that would happen to us right away. When it didn't, I prayed everyday that the Lord would bless us with a baby and I knew he would in his own time. And low and behold, he did. He blessed us with you and I don't think I've ever been so happy. We feel very lucky that we get to have you as our son. Knowing that we get to be blessed with a baby has made me feel very greatful and I will do my best to treasure every moment with you because I know how lucky I am that you are here with us. You are a gift, a miracle and absolutely perfect... and I haven't even met you yet. You make our days brighter already. Always know how much we love you and how much we wanted you to be a part of our life long before you were. I pray that you are strong in body, mind and spirit. I hope that we will be able to show you and teach you to have faith, to love unconditionally, and to always follow your dreams.
We will always and forever love you and you will always be our baby.
Love, Mommy <3
I prayed for you for a long time and loved you even longer. I've always known that I wanted to have kids and when your daddy and I decided we were ready for a baby I thought it would be something that would happen to us right away. When it didn't, I prayed everyday that the Lord would bless us with a baby and I knew he would in his own time. And low and behold, he did. He blessed us with you and I don't think I've ever been so happy. We feel very lucky that we get to have you as our son. Knowing that we get to be blessed with a baby has made me feel very greatful and I will do my best to treasure every moment with you because I know how lucky I am that you are here with us. You are a gift, a miracle and absolutely perfect... and I haven't even met you yet. You make our days brighter already. Always know how much we love you and how much we wanted you to be a part of our life long before you were. I pray that you are strong in body, mind and spirit. I hope that we will be able to show you and teach you to have faith, to love unconditionally, and to always follow your dreams.
We will always and forever love you and you will always be our baby.
Love, Mommy <3
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Maternity Pictures
Got my maternity pictures yesterday! We got some really great ones and here are a few of my favorites.
Not going to lie, I feel huge and some of the pictures actually made me feel even more whale-ish. (none of the ones I posted of course! lol) Holy love handles and triple chin! After seeing some of these pictures, I CANT WAIT to get my body back! Lol I know this will be the most important thing I can do in this world, is to carry a child. BUT, I am ready for my face not to be swollen, my chins not to be soo... multiplied and for these love handles to disappear! 13 days til my due date! (Not that it matters, cause I feel like little man will be late! Ha!)
Not going to lie, I feel huge and some of the pictures actually made me feel even more whale-ish. (none of the ones I posted of course! lol) Holy love handles and triple chin! After seeing some of these pictures, I CANT WAIT to get my body back! Lol I know this will be the most important thing I can do in this world, is to carry a child. BUT, I am ready for my face not to be swollen, my chins not to be soo... multiplied and for these love handles to disappear! 13 days til my due date! (Not that it matters, cause I feel like little man will be late! Ha!)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
38 weeks
We had our 38 week appointment today. Not going to lie, I left feeling a little frustrated. :(
First of all our doctor was running very late... like over an hour late. She was very rushed and trying to make up time.
Our last appointment was very different. She dropped the bomb on us that she going on vacation, discussed with us induction and said she would check me this week and and we'd make a decision about induction. Even though we'd already made our decision last week, she didn't know that. She came in today, asked me if I had any questions, checked Colin's heartbeat and then was on her way out the door. I freaked out a little on her and was like, umm... aren't you going to check me? She said she wasn't planning on it, but if I wanted her to, she would. I told her last time she said she would check me... she said she didn't think she needed to, but if I wanted her to she would. Needless to say she gave me a gown, let me change and checked me.
Much to my dismay she said I wasn't even slightly dilated, my cervix was closed shut. She said I might have been some effaced, but she couldn't tell. I am supposed to see her every week from now on, but since she is going on vacation the next time I will see her is on my due date. :S She didn't even mention induction, which was good because we didn't want to do it anyway. BUT not so cool, that she would bring it up last week and then totally dismiss it this week because she was rushing. What if we'd decided to do it and then she would've just brushed us off about it. I don't know.
Anyway, it looks like little Colin is comfy and not coming out any time soon. I am thinking he is going to be late. I shouldn't be upset over that... but part of me was hoping that after all the pain I've had in my darn hips and back and the general uncomfortableness of being 9 mos pregnant that maybe he'd make his appearance early so I could get some relief. I don't think that is going to happen! :) So, time to suck it up and deal with it. :) Nothing else to do!
Anyway, Colin's heart rate was right around 140. He was head down and kept poking what the doctor said was his elbow out on my side! He has been moving around a bunch today, a lot more than usual, but it has helped my mood incredibly because at least I know he is a happy camper in there! :)
Here is my 38 week picture. My mom showed this to one of her old lady friends and they told her that I looked like I was having a 10 pound baby. :(
First of all our doctor was running very late... like over an hour late. She was very rushed and trying to make up time.
Our last appointment was very different. She dropped the bomb on us that she going on vacation, discussed with us induction and said she would check me this week and and we'd make a decision about induction. Even though we'd already made our decision last week, she didn't know that. She came in today, asked me if I had any questions, checked Colin's heartbeat and then was on her way out the door. I freaked out a little on her and was like, umm... aren't you going to check me? She said she wasn't planning on it, but if I wanted her to, she would. I told her last time she said she would check me... she said she didn't think she needed to, but if I wanted her to she would. Needless to say she gave me a gown, let me change and checked me.
Much to my dismay she said I wasn't even slightly dilated, my cervix was closed shut. She said I might have been some effaced, but she couldn't tell. I am supposed to see her every week from now on, but since she is going on vacation the next time I will see her is on my due date. :S She didn't even mention induction, which was good because we didn't want to do it anyway. BUT not so cool, that she would bring it up last week and then totally dismiss it this week because she was rushing. What if we'd decided to do it and then she would've just brushed us off about it. I don't know.
Anyway, it looks like little Colin is comfy and not coming out any time soon. I am thinking he is going to be late. I shouldn't be upset over that... but part of me was hoping that after all the pain I've had in my darn hips and back and the general uncomfortableness of being 9 mos pregnant that maybe he'd make his appearance early so I could get some relief. I don't think that is going to happen! :) So, time to suck it up and deal with it. :) Nothing else to do!
Anyway, Colin's heart rate was right around 140. He was head down and kept poking what the doctor said was his elbow out on my side! He has been moving around a bunch today, a lot more than usual, but it has helped my mood incredibly because at least I know he is a happy camper in there! :)
Here is my 38 week picture. My mom showed this to one of her old lady friends and they told her that I looked like I was having a 10 pound baby. :(
Monday, October 24, 2011
One of the most important things that I want to do for baby Colin is to breastfeed him. I'm not going to lie I am a little nervous about it, because I really want to succeed. What makes me feel good about it is knowing that women have been breastfeeding FOREVER! However, just because people have been breastfeeding forever doesn't mean it is something that is easy to do. As one of my friends recently told me, if it was easy there wouldn't be books and lactation consultants just for breastfeeding! As my doctor told me, not only are you learning how to breastfeed, but so is your baby. Some babies pick up on it easily and others take a little big time and need a little bit of help. So really I am aware that it can go either way and that we may have a hard time with it.
I've read books... but I know nothing will compare to actually trying it and experiencing it for myself.
I am hoping that Colin and I will be a natural at it... Ha! One can hope, right?! Lol But if we aren't, I am going to try my darnedest to being successful at it and sticking to it. One of the things I'm doing is not keeping any formula in the house... I know that might seem crazy or silly... but if it isn't there then I won't be tempted to use it and I will be more likely to stick it out breastfeeding. Or at least that is my thoughts. The other thing is, my breast pump. We just bought a Medela Pump in Style. I figure... if we are really truly struggling breastfeeding... I can always pump and give him a bottle. Which I know would be a major pain in the rear to do on a regular basis, but I feel like breastfeeding is what is best for the both of us and as long as I could come up with a good routine it would be worth it.
I will be sure to update after we have Colin on how we are doing with it!! :) I think my biggest problem will be relaxing when I am frustrated with it. I am already looking forward to some skin to skin contact with my little man and I think that in itself will help the both of us and will definately relax me! We shall see!
I've read books... but I know nothing will compare to actually trying it and experiencing it for myself.
I am hoping that Colin and I will be a natural at it... Ha! One can hope, right?! Lol But if we aren't, I am going to try my darnedest to being successful at it and sticking to it. One of the things I'm doing is not keeping any formula in the house... I know that might seem crazy or silly... but if it isn't there then I won't be tempted to use it and I will be more likely to stick it out breastfeeding. Or at least that is my thoughts. The other thing is, my breast pump. We just bought a Medela Pump in Style. I figure... if we are really truly struggling breastfeeding... I can always pump and give him a bottle. Which I know would be a major pain in the rear to do on a regular basis, but I feel like breastfeeding is what is best for the both of us and as long as I could come up with a good routine it would be worth it.
I will be sure to update after we have Colin on how we are doing with it!! :) I think my biggest problem will be relaxing when I am frustrated with it. I am already looking forward to some skin to skin contact with my little man and I think that in itself will help the both of us and will definately relax me! We shall see!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Maternity Pictures
I have been on the fence about getting maternity pictures done. I was very excited about them in the beginning, but now, closer towards the end... I just felt big and swollen and not cute and pregnant anymore. I was almost going to call off taking any pictures... but I had a change of heart.
It is a pretty momentous occasion and a memory that I am sure I would love to look back upon later on in life. So I went through with them, even though I feel like a swollen whale! :)
We went up the mountain this evening with my photography friend Caryn and took some pictures. The leaves were changing up there and it was very beautiful. I know we got some great shots and I am really excited to see them! She said she'd be done editing them by the end of this week... and I am very anxious to see them! :) She also really likes me without glasses so she kept encouraging me to take them off. I have a glasses issue and am now totally used to myself in glasses and think I look weird without them... where as a couple years ago I was the exact opposite. So it will be neat to see how I look in the pictures with and without glasses!
I will be sure to post some of my favorites when I get them!
It is a pretty momentous occasion and a memory that I am sure I would love to look back upon later on in life. So I went through with them, even though I feel like a swollen whale! :)
We went up the mountain this evening with my photography friend Caryn and took some pictures. The leaves were changing up there and it was very beautiful. I know we got some great shots and I am really excited to see them! She said she'd be done editing them by the end of this week... and I am very anxious to see them! :) She also really likes me without glasses so she kept encouraging me to take them off. I have a glasses issue and am now totally used to myself in glasses and think I look weird without them... where as a couple years ago I was the exact opposite. So it will be neat to see how I look in the pictures with and without glasses!
I will be sure to post some of my favorites when I get them!
Mentally Ready
I feel like I am mentally ready for baby Colin to make his appearance. I know, deep down you will never be 100% ready for a new baby, but I feel like I am as ready as I will ever be. I have read book after book for 9 months. Which I know is just a crazy first time mom thing to do... but it has helped me feel more prepared. I know that most of the things I will learn as I go and I am ready for that challenge.
Although I must admit I am thinking this kid isn't coming anytime soon. I don't feel ANYTHING or anything different. No signs of labor. I think we have awhile. We should find out more at our appointment on Tuesday when I get checked. However, I wouldn't be surprised if she said nothing was going on! Lol
When he does decide to come, I think we are ready for him! Hint... Hint... Colin. 16 more days until my estimated due date! :)
Although I must admit I am thinking this kid isn't coming anytime soon. I don't feel ANYTHING or anything different. No signs of labor. I think we have awhile. We should find out more at our appointment on Tuesday when I get checked. However, I wouldn't be surprised if she said nothing was going on! Lol
When he does decide to come, I think we are ready for him! Hint... Hint... Colin. 16 more days until my estimated due date! :)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
There are some days... most days... that I still can't believe I am pregnant.
Today I was working and some visitor asked me when I was due... and I was like, Oh Yeah, I'm pregnant. I still can't believe it... I am pregnant and not only that I am going to have a baby within the next month. Oh my goodness!
Today I was working and some visitor asked me when I was due... and I was like, Oh Yeah, I'm pregnant. I still can't believe it... I am pregnant and not only that I am going to have a baby within the next month. Oh my goodness!
37 weeks
I am officially 37 weeks pregnant. Which crazily means that I have only 3 weeks left until my due date! wow. Soo cool! Lol.
We had our 37 week apt, which was also our very last bi-weekly apt and now we get to go every week. I had taken some blood work since my last visit and everything came back normal. My blood pressure was the best it's been since June! :) Don't really know how, but it has been borderline high and yesterday I was like 123/82! I was kind of excited about that, its the little things people! I also, miraculously hadn't gained any weight since my last 2 week apt. I have NO idea how that happened, but I was STARVING while we were there, so maybe I was just on empty and that is why the scale said I hadn't gained any. Total weight gain is 27 pounds.
My Dr. dropped a bomb on us yesterday that she is going out of town Oct. 29- Nov. 4. Darn her! Pretty much, she said if we wanted her to she could induce me and make the baby come early so she could be the one to deliver, or we could just wait it out and if I go into labor while she is gone some other lady will deliver Colin. Ryan was soo mad that she was leaving and it is frustrating that someone you've gotten to know over the past 9 months to deliver your baby might not be there, but I don't believe it is worth an induction. To me, I'd rather let the baby come when he is ready to. I don't want to force him out early just because a doctor is going on vacation. Doesn't really make sense to me. Although, I see why people would be tempted, as the last weeks of pregnancy are pretty rough and it would be oh so nice to have a definite date as to when you'd deliver, but I think the ends out weigh the means.
This morning after digesting this information, I am more bummed out about the fact that my doctor will more than likely cancel my 39 week apt because she will be gone, than I am that she is going on vacation. But in the end it is just another bump in the road on the journey to a healthy baby boy!
On a side note, the doctor told me I was ALL baby yesterday and I got a haircut and the hair cutter was one I hadnt' had before and she said she didn't think I even looked pregnant... Ha! Lol But it made me feel good! :)
37 weeks:
We had our 37 week apt, which was also our very last bi-weekly apt and now we get to go every week. I had taken some blood work since my last visit and everything came back normal. My blood pressure was the best it's been since June! :) Don't really know how, but it has been borderline high and yesterday I was like 123/82! I was kind of excited about that, its the little things people! I also, miraculously hadn't gained any weight since my last 2 week apt. I have NO idea how that happened, but I was STARVING while we were there, so maybe I was just on empty and that is why the scale said I hadn't gained any. Total weight gain is 27 pounds.
My Dr. dropped a bomb on us yesterday that she is going out of town Oct. 29- Nov. 4. Darn her! Pretty much, she said if we wanted her to she could induce me and make the baby come early so she could be the one to deliver, or we could just wait it out and if I go into labor while she is gone some other lady will deliver Colin. Ryan was soo mad that she was leaving and it is frustrating that someone you've gotten to know over the past 9 months to deliver your baby might not be there, but I don't believe it is worth an induction. To me, I'd rather let the baby come when he is ready to. I don't want to force him out early just because a doctor is going on vacation. Doesn't really make sense to me. Although, I see why people would be tempted, as the last weeks of pregnancy are pretty rough and it would be oh so nice to have a definite date as to when you'd deliver, but I think the ends out weigh the means.
This morning after digesting this information, I am more bummed out about the fact that my doctor will more than likely cancel my 39 week apt because she will be gone, than I am that she is going on vacation. But in the end it is just another bump in the road on the journey to a healthy baby boy!
On a side note, the doctor told me I was ALL baby yesterday and I got a haircut and the hair cutter was one I hadnt' had before and she said she didn't think I even looked pregnant... Ha! Lol But it made me feel good! :)
37 weeks:
Monday, October 17, 2011
Stressin over work and labor....
Ryan started a HUGE work project today. It is a month long project and considering I am due in 22 days... there is a pretty good chance I will go into labor while he is on this project. It is safe to say that he is a little stressed out about that.
He works 45 minutes out of town and there is no cell phone service out there. The project has him out of the office and in the field, which means if I am in labor, I can't even call him at his office.
I figured it is no big deal, because the average first time mom is in labor for at least 15 hours... but I have to be honest, I am a little bit nervous as well. I'd hate to go into labor while Ryan is working and end up at the hospital without him. I am hoping that I have some warning signs, so we know and can prepare to let him take the day off or at least know to be by his phone that day... but lets be honest, that might not be very realistic.
I *plan* to stay home as long as possible and try to labor at home as long as I can handle it. I just hope I don't have have to do all of that at home alone while Ryan is at work... waiting very impatiently for him to come home. It is times like these that I wish we had family in the same town.
Luckily we only live 2 short minutes from the hospital. :) I guess we will just have to burn that bridge when we get there. But boy is it nerve racking to think about. Sigh...
He works 45 minutes out of town and there is no cell phone service out there. The project has him out of the office and in the field, which means if I am in labor, I can't even call him at his office.
I figured it is no big deal, because the average first time mom is in labor for at least 15 hours... but I have to be honest, I am a little bit nervous as well. I'd hate to go into labor while Ryan is working and end up at the hospital without him. I am hoping that I have some warning signs, so we know and can prepare to let him take the day off or at least know to be by his phone that day... but lets be honest, that might not be very realistic.
I *plan* to stay home as long as possible and try to labor at home as long as I can handle it. I just hope I don't have have to do all of that at home alone while Ryan is at work... waiting very impatiently for him to come home. It is times like these that I wish we had family in the same town.
Luckily we only live 2 short minutes from the hospital. :) I guess we will just have to burn that bridge when we get there. But boy is it nerve racking to think about. Sigh...
Sunday, October 16, 2011
First bit of uncomfortableness hits at 36 weeks.
I had a rough day on Friday. Ryan accidentally took my car keys to work with him and I didn't have a way to get to work. I could have taken the Jeep, but the seat was stuck and I couldn't move it at all. I tried for like 10 minutes before I cried in the driveway. Luckily I have awesome neighbors who drove me to work and awesome friends that took me to lunch and of course my poor hubby who came and picked me up at the end of the day and then took me out to dinner to make up to me! Lol
BUT, I either woke up with pain, got it on the treadmill during my morning walk, hurt it trying to push the jeep seat or it was all the baby's fault... but I was in pain ALL day. I thought it was more of a back tweak than anything else. Every time I took a step with my left leg... Pain. Saturday was more of the same, but by the end of the day it was like MAJOR hip pain on both sides. I am thinking my hips were widening and moving and that was some of the pain... but it wasn't very fun.
I felt MUCH better today, until about an hour ago when I lifted something heavy and then BAM hip pain again... soo bad I can barely walk. Not cool. Guess I will be going to the chiropractor manana and see if she can fix my hip.
But I imagine the uncomfortableness will only get worse over these final days/weeks. I guess now I understand why some women take a couple weeks before they are due off of work. But hopefully it was just a fluke and I will be feeling better after the chiropractor tomorrow! Fingers crossed!
I had a rough day on Friday. Ryan accidentally took my car keys to work with him and I didn't have a way to get to work. I could have taken the Jeep, but the seat was stuck and I couldn't move it at all. I tried for like 10 minutes before I cried in the driveway. Luckily I have awesome neighbors who drove me to work and awesome friends that took me to lunch and of course my poor hubby who came and picked me up at the end of the day and then took me out to dinner to make up to me! Lol
BUT, I either woke up with pain, got it on the treadmill during my morning walk, hurt it trying to push the jeep seat or it was all the baby's fault... but I was in pain ALL day. I thought it was more of a back tweak than anything else. Every time I took a step with my left leg... Pain. Saturday was more of the same, but by the end of the day it was like MAJOR hip pain on both sides. I am thinking my hips were widening and moving and that was some of the pain... but it wasn't very fun.
I felt MUCH better today, until about an hour ago when I lifted something heavy and then BAM hip pain again... soo bad I can barely walk. Not cool. Guess I will be going to the chiropractor manana and see if she can fix my hip.
But I imagine the uncomfortableness will only get worse over these final days/weeks. I guess now I understand why some women take a couple weeks before they are due off of work. But hopefully it was just a fluke and I will be feeling better after the chiropractor tomorrow! Fingers crossed!
What will Colin look like?
Every mother I am sure wonders what their unborn child will look like. I have been thinking about this waaay to much lately! I can't wait to see him for the first time!
I assume that since Ryan and I are both whities with blonde hair and light eyes that little Colin would come out looking just like that! I am probably not too far off, but I stumbled across both of our newborn pictures and there was quite a difference between the two of us!!
Granted one thing to keep in mind is that Ryan was well over 2 pounds heavier than me... so I kind of look like a little monkey and he looks like a one month old kid... but he is wearing his hospital bracelets... so I guess it is a legit newborn picture! Lol
I assume that since Ryan and I are both whities with blonde hair and light eyes that little Colin would come out looking just like that! I am probably not too far off, but I stumbled across both of our newborn pictures and there was quite a difference between the two of us!!
Granted one thing to keep in mind is that Ryan was well over 2 pounds heavier than me... so I kind of look like a little monkey and he looks like a one month old kid... but he is wearing his hospital bracelets... so I guess it is a legit newborn picture! Lol
Now after seeing these two pictures... I am soo intrigued about what Colin will look like!
I can't wait to meet our little man!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Ticking Time Bomb
I think this is the hardest part of pregnancy... the last month. Anxiety is high. You are starting to feel more uncomfortable. And the worst part... You have NO IDEA when you are going to go into labor, like a ticking time bomb.
I am a planner by nature. I plan everything, all the time... so I knew this part would be hard for me. I have told myself many times that it is ok if baby comes late, because if he does then I will have enough leave for the full 12 weeks that I'd like to take. BUT, what if he is early? How early could he come? What if it is any day now? I was born early... so was Ryan. Does that mean anything? Yeah... that is what I mean when I say anxiety is high!
Everyday you wake up wondering... is today the day?
It is so hard not knowing when you are going to go into labor. Every night I look around my house and think, ok if I go into labor tonight is my house clean enough? If my parents come tomorrow will I be embarrassed about dishes in the sink or underwear on the floor? So I run around and try to pick up before I go to bed. Which I guess is probably good practice, because then my house looks cleaner! Ha!
Every time you get a weird pain or a new feeling or sensation, you wonder... could this be it? Maybe? And don't get me started about every time you go to the bathroom, worrying what will happen if you push to hard or if you might wipe to find you've lost your mucous plug.
But there is nothing you can do about it. (I am hoping my Dr. will check me at our apt. on Tuesday and tell me if there is anything happening down there... but I doubt she will.) So now I just sit back and wait... and try to ignore the constant ticking of the time bomb that you are. tick... tick... tick... tick...
I am a planner by nature. I plan everything, all the time... so I knew this part would be hard for me. I have told myself many times that it is ok if baby comes late, because if he does then I will have enough leave for the full 12 weeks that I'd like to take. BUT, what if he is early? How early could he come? What if it is any day now? I was born early... so was Ryan. Does that mean anything? Yeah... that is what I mean when I say anxiety is high!
Everyday you wake up wondering... is today the day?
It is so hard not knowing when you are going to go into labor. Every night I look around my house and think, ok if I go into labor tonight is my house clean enough? If my parents come tomorrow will I be embarrassed about dishes in the sink or underwear on the floor? So I run around and try to pick up before I go to bed. Which I guess is probably good practice, because then my house looks cleaner! Ha!
Every time you get a weird pain or a new feeling or sensation, you wonder... could this be it? Maybe? And don't get me started about every time you go to the bathroom, worrying what will happen if you push to hard or if you might wipe to find you've lost your mucous plug.
But there is nothing you can do about it. (I am hoping my Dr. will check me at our apt. on Tuesday and tell me if there is anything happening down there... but I doubt she will.) So now I just sit back and wait... and try to ignore the constant ticking of the time bomb that you are. tick... tick... tick... tick...
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Maternity Underwear
Yes, I am going to write a blog about underwear. :) Why? Because ladies need to know these things and I was completely in the dark.
When some one first told me I needed maternity underwear, I laughed. Really? You need special underwear to be pregnant. Not possible. Why on earth would you need different undies. Your belly grows... how does that affect your underwear. I was kind of offended and intrigued at the same time.
When I first starting buying some maternity clothes at the Motherhood store, I glanced at the maternity underwear. It looked just like regular granny panties. I was shopping with my Aunt who told me that I should get some. I asked why. She told me that your regular underwear wouldn't fit after awhile and would start rolling down at the top from your belly.... and like usual... she was right. :)
I bought a pack that day and ordered another pack a couple months later. They aren't cute and they aren't sexy... but by golly, they fit you. They don't dig into your widening hips and they don't roll down from your ginormous belly like the rest of your undies do. My life would be a little less comfortable without them.
So, just so you know... and I am only saying this because I had NEVER heard it before... pregnancy undies are REAL. You will need them and you will learn to love them.
The end. :)
When some one first told me I needed maternity underwear, I laughed. Really? You need special underwear to be pregnant. Not possible. Why on earth would you need different undies. Your belly grows... how does that affect your underwear. I was kind of offended and intrigued at the same time.
When I first starting buying some maternity clothes at the Motherhood store, I glanced at the maternity underwear. It looked just like regular granny panties. I was shopping with my Aunt who told me that I should get some. I asked why. She told me that your regular underwear wouldn't fit after awhile and would start rolling down at the top from your belly.... and like usual... she was right. :)
I bought a pack that day and ordered another pack a couple months later. They aren't cute and they aren't sexy... but by golly, they fit you. They don't dig into your widening hips and they don't roll down from your ginormous belly like the rest of your undies do. My life would be a little less comfortable without them.
So, just so you know... and I am only saying this because I had NEVER heard it before... pregnancy undies are REAL. You will need them and you will learn to love them.
The end. :)
36 weeks... and ramblings
Really? Did I just type 36 weeks?! I can't believe I am 36 weeks, in fact I had to double and triple check because I couldn't believe it really was 36 weeks! It is very unbelievable how close we are to meeting baby Colin and how fast I feel like this pregnancy went!!
I am *almost* 100% ready for him. I finished the nursery, have all of his clothes washed, the bassinet is ready to go and there are diapers and wipes under the changing table! I also think I am almost done packing for the hospital. I have a couple outfits for Colin, one outfit for me (I might just live in the hospital gown... lol) and slipper socks and socks for me, a change of clothes for Ryan, even though we are only 2 mins away and he could always run home, but just in case, I also packed small size toiletries for both of us, our phone charger and snacks. I am also bringing the boppy pillow, my camera and possibly some makeup. I know... why would I need makeup? Well, I am not going to go all out, just some face stuff and mascara because you know your picture is going to be taken! Lol If I forget anything I can always send Ryan or my parents home to grab it, we are only 2 minutes away from the hospital!
Yesterday we ran to the big city to buy a breast pump and to return some duplicate gifts we got from our showers and get Ryan's much requested Diaper Genie. He was very cute yesterday... I was looking at baby clothes (shocking! Like this kid needs anymore clothes, but I wanted to find a cute going home outfit... you know for our 2 minute drive from the hospital... makes perfect sense! Plus, I wanted something for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Found a cute turkey bib, but nothing for xmas... I thought all the little boy xmas outfits looked like old man clothes! lol) and Ryan went and picked out a couple outfits that he liked! He got an outfit that had a crane on it. (Heavy equipment, not the bird.) He was really excited about it! :)
I believe we are officially done buying things... or at least the necessity things. Now just playing the waiting game! :)
Here is my 36 week photo... I look HUGE. Funny how I still feel small and then I see these pictures and I'm like, Dear Lord I am Ginormous!! Ha! :) Also I feel like I've dropped... When I sit down my belly hits my legs. Don't recall that happening before, so I think it is new!
I am *almost* 100% ready for him. I finished the nursery, have all of his clothes washed, the bassinet is ready to go and there are diapers and wipes under the changing table! I also think I am almost done packing for the hospital. I have a couple outfits for Colin, one outfit for me (I might just live in the hospital gown... lol) and slipper socks and socks for me, a change of clothes for Ryan, even though we are only 2 mins away and he could always run home, but just in case, I also packed small size toiletries for both of us, our phone charger and snacks. I am also bringing the boppy pillow, my camera and possibly some makeup. I know... why would I need makeup? Well, I am not going to go all out, just some face stuff and mascara because you know your picture is going to be taken! Lol If I forget anything I can always send Ryan or my parents home to grab it, we are only 2 minutes away from the hospital!
Yesterday we ran to the big city to buy a breast pump and to return some duplicate gifts we got from our showers and get Ryan's much requested Diaper Genie. He was very cute yesterday... I was looking at baby clothes (shocking! Like this kid needs anymore clothes, but I wanted to find a cute going home outfit... you know for our 2 minute drive from the hospital... makes perfect sense! Plus, I wanted something for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Found a cute turkey bib, but nothing for xmas... I thought all the little boy xmas outfits looked like old man clothes! lol) and Ryan went and picked out a couple outfits that he liked! He got an outfit that had a crane on it. (Heavy equipment, not the bird.) He was really excited about it! :)
I believe we are officially done buying things... or at least the necessity things. Now just playing the waiting game! :)
Here is my 36 week photo... I look HUGE. Funny how I still feel small and then I see these pictures and I'm like, Dear Lord I am Ginormous!! Ha! :) Also I feel like I've dropped... When I sit down my belly hits my legs. Don't recall that happening before, so I think it is new!
Monday, October 10, 2011
DONE Decorating the Nursery!!!
I do believe I am officially done decorating the nursery! I haven't really done much on it the past couple of months, but I finally put the finishing touches on it today! The last thing I hung up was a beautiful round mirror my parents got for me and painted to match the nursery. I hung it up above the changing table. I had an empty space on the wall above the spare bed and had been trying to figure out what I would put there to make it not blank. At my shower my Aunt had these adorable little lanterns that matched the nursery and she gave them to me to take home. I messed with them most of the morning and came up with a nice way (I think anyway) to display them! Here are some pictures! Also, note the beautiful new fan we put up in there that ties everything together!
I think you can click on the pictures to make them larger.
I thought about changing the bedding in there to match the nursery a bit more... but I got lazy. :) I think it is close enough that I probably won't end up changing it... for now, anyways.
Showered with love
It's official... I have the BEST friends and family in the world :) The past 2 weekends we had 2 baby showers. One was a small family shower with some of my closest friends and the other was a more casual pamper party here in Grants with the boys included with our Grants friends. Although we both had an amazing time at both the showers and could not be more thankful of our loving and supporting friends and family.... My showers have caused lots of controversy because I didn't invite everyone who wanted to attend or everyone who other people thought I should have invited. Other than that... it was grand! I don't really care, call me a crazy hormonal pregnant lady... but they were my showers and I invited whoever the hell I wanted to and if you don't like it you can get over it or throw me another shower and invite who you want! Lol. :)
Any who, despite the controversy I caused they were both fabulous. My wonderful Aunt loves to party plan and her and my mom I *think* had a blast working on our shower. Her house was decorated to the max and looked awesome! Right down to the candy and balloons everywhere! My mom and I made cookies for the shower that were all baby themed... and totally awesome! My Aunt and Uncle slaved over the stove the day before and made lasagna and meatballs (a good ole' Italian baby shower!) The food was fabulous, the company was even more awesome and we got so many gifts it was ridiculous... in a good way!
When we got home it was late so we threw all of the gift bags on bed in the nursery. I was so overwhelmed with the bags, there were so many! But I spent the ENTIRE next day breaking down the bags and putting things away! I didn't leave the house or even shower! Lol But by golly, I got everything put away! :)
This past weekend our friends here in Grants gave us a pamper party so we could stock up on diapers! We had the party at our house since we have a big house with a pool table so the guys could be distracted! My friends were so awesome! I came home from work and they had all the food set up already and the my made a TON of food and even more dessert! Mmmm... I am still eating the dessert this morning! Nobody was allowed into the house without some diapers and we ended up with quite a load of diapers! I have them all stacked up and organized by size in the baby's closet! :) I hope they last us for awhile!
Any who, despite the controversy I caused they were both fabulous. My wonderful Aunt loves to party plan and her and my mom I *think* had a blast working on our shower. Her house was decorated to the max and looked awesome! Right down to the candy and balloons everywhere! My mom and I made cookies for the shower that were all baby themed... and totally awesome! My Aunt and Uncle slaved over the stove the day before and made lasagna and meatballs (a good ole' Italian baby shower!) The food was fabulous, the company was even more awesome and we got so many gifts it was ridiculous... in a good way!
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My mom, myself and my Aunt Carla |
When we got home it was late so we threw all of the gift bags on bed in the nursery. I was so overwhelmed with the bags, there were so many! But I spent the ENTIRE next day breaking down the bags and putting things away! I didn't leave the house or even shower! Lol But by golly, I got everything put away! :)
This past weekend our friends here in Grants gave us a pamper party so we could stock up on diapers! We had the party at our house since we have a big house with a pool table so the guys could be distracted! My friends were so awesome! I came home from work and they had all the food set up already and the my made a TON of food and even more dessert! Mmmm... I am still eating the dessert this morning! Nobody was allowed into the house without some diapers and we ended up with quite a load of diapers! I have them all stacked up and organized by size in the baby's closet! :) I hope they last us for awhile!
My good friends Coral and Kelly and I at our Grants party! |
And yes I wore the same dress both weekends... :)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
1 month
I can NOT believe it... but there is only 1 month left until my due date! Eeek!! I know it is just a date and the baby can come any time around that date, early or even late. BUT the fact that the date is soo close is just crazy!
That is all. :)
That is all. :)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
35 weeks
We had our second to last 2 week apt today. I must say it went VERY well. I gained 2 pounds, since my last 2 week apt. Baby Colin had a nice strong heartbeat and I asked the Dr. to tell me where his head and stuff were located... if she could tell. Sure enough he is head down! I had thought that his back was facing out and his little butt was under my ribs and I was right. She felt his back near the middle of my stomach near my belly button and she felt his butt up high where I always feel it. So I'm not crazy!! No wonder I don't feel little feet, hands and elbows... they are facing inside. Don't worry I still feel them kicking things on the inside! Dr. said everything looked good and I was measuring right on target at 35 weeks. But I did have quite the growth spurt from last week. I will post the 2 pictures for comparison on the bottom! But for now....
How far along?: 35 weeks
How big is baby?: According to Baby Center, little Colin is 18 inches long and weighs 5 1/4 pounds!! That is almost as much as I weighed when I was born!
Weight gain/loss?: The Dr. said 26 pounds today...
Stretch marks?: I don't *think* I've gotten anymore than the few that popped up on my thighs.... I hope it stays that way!
Maternity clothes?: Yes, everything I wear is maternity except for dresses and my stupid work uniform shirt... although the mens size I've been wearing has been getting tighter!
Sleep?: Still get up every morning at like 3 or 4 to pee... But other than that, I've been sleeping with extra pillows and sleeping ok.
Food cravings?: Still Raspberries and Steak and dairy, especially milk and ice cream.
Gender?: Boy
Movement?: Yes and LOTS of hiccups.
Belly button: Still an innie!! But it is getting flatter.
What are you looking forward to this week?: Our pamper party and getting to hang out with all of our friends here in Grants... and more organizing of the nursery. I can't believe we have 5 weeks left.
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34 weeks |
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35 weeks |
Monday, October 3, 2011
And the Baby's Name is....
Colin Ryan Waggoner
We announced the name to our family and friends this weekend! We've actually had the name for quite awhile, but have kept it a secret. It was a fun little secret to keep and even more fun to announce! So how did we come up with it?
Well, VERY early on in my pregnancy before we even had the first ultrasound I had a dream (or nightmare... lol) I was having boy/girl twins. In my dream I named them Clara and Colin. That name had never even popped in my head before that dream. Then a couple months later Ryan and I were at our friend's house looking at a baby name book and he actually said he liked the name Colin. It was one of the only boy names he liked. I was stuck on another boy name, but after that day Colin became the front runner and it just stuck. We knew Ryan would be the middle name and I think Colin Ryan fits very well together. And Dr. Colin Waggoner, Pilot Colin Waggoner, Engineer Colin Waggoner and professional soccer star Colin Waggoner all sound good! Lol
So there you have it. Our baby boy, Colin will be here soon! :)
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