Monday, June 20, 2011

20 weeks

How far along?: 20 weeks
How big is baby?: The length of a banana.
Weight gain/loss?: I have gained 6 pounds
Stretch marks?: None yet... Hope it stays that way! :)
Maternity clothes?: All of my pants I am wearing are maternity, but I am still mixing and matching tops and living in non maternity dresses.
Sleep?: I am sleeping very well! My first trimester I got up to pee a lot, but this second trimester I sleep like a rock all night long!
Food cravings?: Still craving raspberries... anything and everything raspberry, especially fresh raspberries! But I also have been really enjoying eating steak...
Gender?: BOY!
Movement?: Finally started feeling movements the past couple weeks. I SWEAR I felt a kick last night when I was laying down trying to sleep with my hand on my belly! After seeing the baby on the ultrasound today I couldn't believe how much the baby moves around and how little I still feel. But I know that will change!
Belly button: Normal, but kinda sensitive. Ryan has been teasing me soo much about my belly button popping out, but it is a super innie so I don't think it will... but right now it is still an innie, it is just kind of sensitive.
What are you looking forward to this week?: Telling everyone that it is a boy! Shopping and looking for boy stuff and feeling him move and hopefully Ryan feel him soon too!

And I decided to nix the weekly dress pictures, because I feel soo huge in clothes, especially baggy dresses and not as big when I wear other things. So I decided I would wear something more fitted for my weekly pictures so we can really tell how I am growing.

1 comment:

Abby Reed said...