Saturday, August 28, 2010


I am hoping this is a sign... probably not, but a girl can hope, right?! Yesterday I came home and took a nap, which isn't all that unusual for me to do on a Friday evening because I get off earlier than the other days I work. Anyway, I got home and took a nap at 5:00...I woke up at 9:30. Which is crazy, I usually nap an hour at the most.. maybe 2. THEN, I got up and ate dinner and fell asleep on the couch at 10:30! I decided to get off the couch around 11 and had no problem going back to sleep after that... I woke up at 6:45 this morning for work and I am STILL sleepy. What the hell.

I know sometimes having too much sleep makes you tired, so this could be it. But of course when you are TTC, you can't help but morph everything into a pregnancy sign. I have one test hiding in my bathroom closet and I don't want to waste it on a negative, so that was why I was going to wait until my 35 days were up before I tested. BUT I may run to walmart on monday when I do my shopping and pick up some more tests so I can test this week. FX!

Also, funny thing, last month I was a mess around this time. I thought I would have a normal 28 day cycle. Well, today is day 28 in this month's cycle and I am fine. Totally not stressing this month... which is a great thing! Even my neck and back is better than it was last month. I have been going to a chiropractor every day for a couple months. Last month my neck muscles were in spasm the WHOLE month. This month they aren't in spasm and I haven't been out of alignment in 2 weeks! Score! :)

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