Monday, October 29, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Probiotics = lifesavers
I had been sick for about 2 weeks. I thought it was a terrible stomach bug that didn't go away... but after about 2 weeks I was thinking maybe there was something wrong with me! After researching ulcers and other terrible things.... one of my friends suggested it could be my recent diet change of going dairy free and it's affects on my stomach and intestines and I should look into probiotics.
My BIL is a lactard (lactose intolerant) and was having terrible stomach issues until he discovered probiotics. He was eating soy yogurt everyday and then started taking probiotic pills instead. I called him Saturday after my friend suggested it and he assured me that it would do wonders.
Well, I ran and bought a bottle on my way home from work Saturday. I've taken it 3 days now and haven't been sick in 3 days. I don't know if that is what helped, but it sure is wonderful!!
Yay for not being sick! (Of course as I write this I'm sure I will jinx myself! Lol)
My BIL is a lactard (lactose intolerant) and was having terrible stomach issues until he discovered probiotics. He was eating soy yogurt everyday and then started taking probiotic pills instead. I called him Saturday after my friend suggested it and he assured me that it would do wonders.
Well, I ran and bought a bottle on my way home from work Saturday. I've taken it 3 days now and haven't been sick in 3 days. I don't know if that is what helped, but it sure is wonderful!!
Yay for not being sick! (Of course as I write this I'm sure I will jinx myself! Lol)
Thank You, My readers!!
As of today I have 4,000 MORE views on this blog than my previous blog. The sad part is I have almost as many posts on that blog. Lol
My first blog was my initiation into blogging. I started before I got married and it chronicled my wedding planning and life before and after wedding. I don't know if I will ever delete it... It has some great moments in there. I went through the loss of my beloved grandma on there... in fact the blog I wrote about her passing I read at her funeral. I also got married and went on a honeymoon on that blog... but then I ran out of things to talk about and ended up in a blogging funk.
I started writing this blog when we started trying to conceive. In fact I kept it private for a long time and only had it open to handful of friends. It went public after we conceived and has followed me I learn to be a parent and as I show off the millions of pictures I take of my son.
That being said, I want to thank you for following me or taking time out of your day to read my blog. It means a lot and brightens my day! :)
Monday, October 22, 2012
Camera Dump!
Being a cool dude in his shades. He was wearing them and dancing until I took the camera out... then he kept trying to take them off! |
First whole Oreo cookie! |
My little monkey on top of his activity table... |
Crazy hair and dirty face! Avocado and blueberries all over! |
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Coaching again??
Oh Decisions, decisions.
Thursday night I had a phone call from a parent of a kid I used to coach in youth soccer. Their daughter is now playing on the high school soccer team here and apparently their coach quit last week.... and he thinks I'd be a good replacement.
One good thing is it isn't immediate and their season ends next week... what he was looking for is mostly for the next season, next fall.
My gut response was no. I think I even told him, what would I do with my kid! Lol To which he responded, We've already thought of that and the parents will watch him! Lol I've coached some of these kids for about 6 soccer seasons (if not more... i can't remember) and coached with several of the parents as well, so I know a lot of them really well. Well enough to trust with my kid at least! Anyway, I told him I'd think about it and see them at the next home game.
Well 24 hours later and boy if that wasn't one of the only things on my mind that day. I even had some crazy soccer dreams about wanting to play so badly, but never being able to make practice and forgetting my cleats and stupid things like that.
I would love to be a high school soccer coach, but I don't know if I have enough experience coaching to do so. The thought of coaching high school is a bit intimidating. And come on, high school girls... they can be pretty mean... I remember!
Friday I did some research at work... like the legalities of working two jobs, one outside of the federal government and having to take leave from the gov't to get paid to coach... It turns out, it isn't a big deal at all. I talked to our HR lady and I have to fill out a form and get my supervisor's approval and make sure it didn't conflict with schedules, but it should be fine.
I was a little shocked at my husband's response. I kind of half expected him to say, No Way! And he actually responded, that's pretty neat, I think you'd like it! Which makes it easier to think about, knowing he will be supportive.
The reality of it is it is only from August to October... a good 3 months... which isn't terrible. My biggest worry is away games and trying to figure out what to do with Colin. My husband's schedule isn't exactly scheduled, so relying on him would be pretty difficult... but I have quite a few months to figure it out!
I am going to their last home game on Tuesday and I imagine that will be a hot topic among the parents I sit with.
I went to lunch with one of my friends on Friday and discussed it with her. I wasn't asking for advice, just telling her what I was thinking. Her response to my thoughts were, I think you should do it, I can see by your face how excited you are just by talking about it! Lol
We'll see and even if I do apply for it, that doesn't mean I will get it.
Thursday night I had a phone call from a parent of a kid I used to coach in youth soccer. Their daughter is now playing on the high school soccer team here and apparently their coach quit last week.... and he thinks I'd be a good replacement.
One good thing is it isn't immediate and their season ends next week... what he was looking for is mostly for the next season, next fall.
My gut response was no. I think I even told him, what would I do with my kid! Lol To which he responded, We've already thought of that and the parents will watch him! Lol I've coached some of these kids for about 6 soccer seasons (if not more... i can't remember) and coached with several of the parents as well, so I know a lot of them really well. Well enough to trust with my kid at least! Anyway, I told him I'd think about it and see them at the next home game.
Well 24 hours later and boy if that wasn't one of the only things on my mind that day. I even had some crazy soccer dreams about wanting to play so badly, but never being able to make practice and forgetting my cleats and stupid things like that.
I would love to be a high school soccer coach, but I don't know if I have enough experience coaching to do so. The thought of coaching high school is a bit intimidating. And come on, high school girls... they can be pretty mean... I remember!
Friday I did some research at work... like the legalities of working two jobs, one outside of the federal government and having to take leave from the gov't to get paid to coach... It turns out, it isn't a big deal at all. I talked to our HR lady and I have to fill out a form and get my supervisor's approval and make sure it didn't conflict with schedules, but it should be fine.
I was a little shocked at my husband's response. I kind of half expected him to say, No Way! And he actually responded, that's pretty neat, I think you'd like it! Which makes it easier to think about, knowing he will be supportive.
The reality of it is it is only from August to October... a good 3 months... which isn't terrible. My biggest worry is away games and trying to figure out what to do with Colin. My husband's schedule isn't exactly scheduled, so relying on him would be pretty difficult... but I have quite a few months to figure it out!
I am going to their last home game on Tuesday and I imagine that will be a hot topic among the parents I sit with.
I went to lunch with one of my friends on Friday and discussed it with her. I wasn't asking for advice, just telling her what I was thinking. Her response to my thoughts were, I think you should do it, I can see by your face how excited you are just by talking about it! Lol
We'll see and even if I do apply for it, that doesn't mean I will get it.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Last night... I almost didn't survive.
I do not know how single parents do it... I wouldn't be able to survive.
Last night was rough. For whatever reason I was extremely tired yesterday. I didn't get much sleep Tuesday night and we all had tummy aches. I haven't gotten a full nights sleep in 11 months, so I don't know why I was so tired yesterday, but I was. So was Colin.
I decided we would go to bed early and started our bedtime routine at 7:30 hoping to get Colin asleep by 8. No such luck. He nursed and then... cried. For an hour. I was at a loss. I tried everything. He kept making the sign for me milk, very blatantly, in my face. Yet, when I offered him milk he would either scream or bite me.... but he kept making the sign. I thought maybe he was teething, since I've read that biting can be a sign of teething. So I gave him tylenol and teething meds and still, nothing changed. He would sign for milk and scream and bite and scream some more.
I put him in his crib and had to walk away. I was so tired and frustrated. I hate those nights. I turned off my house, let the dog in and got myself ready for bed. I brought my still screaming child to bed... where he continued to cry and sign for milk. If my mom lived in my town, or I had a best friend down the road, I would have called them and asked for help. I was too tired to deal with it. But we trucked on. I decided to call Ryan who is working out of town. When I turned my phone on, Colin calmed down. He reached for the phone and started playing with it. Ryan didn't answer so I let him play with it. I figured it was more peaceful than screaming. He laid his head on me and I rubbed his back and the next second he was asleep, holding onto my phone.
I said, screw my phone that will be dead in the morning and also went to sleep. I woke up around 2 and he was STILL sleeping! A miracle! He slept pretty much the entire night... which is very rare, but I think we both really needed the sleep and for that I am very thankful. I can tell I am desperate for sleep when I have a break down at night. I keep thinking all these things on nights where I REALLY need sleep like how did I fail as mother and not teach my almost 1 year old to sleep. How have I survived almost a year of this no sleep. What am I doing wrong.
It seemed like we were on a better sleeping track the past few weeks and then this week it has all gone downhill. BUT we all had a stomach bug the past week. Colin has his first real diaper rash from having so much diarrhea and I know our tummies haven't been feeling well. Also I was hoping it was tooth #8 contributing to this... but in all honesty his gums look the same as they have with no real changes... so who knows. I love nights where he sleeps because then I know he is capable of it... I just don't understand why it doesn't happen every night or even every week or every month.
I am thankful for a much clearer head this morning, so that is a good thing. The first thing my kid did when we woke up was stick his tongue out at me. So at least we are all in good spirits! :) But as much as I love my munchkin and being a mother, It is definitely the toughest job I've ever done and I know it will get that much tougher as the years go on.
Last night was rough. For whatever reason I was extremely tired yesterday. I didn't get much sleep Tuesday night and we all had tummy aches. I haven't gotten a full nights sleep in 11 months, so I don't know why I was so tired yesterday, but I was. So was Colin.
I decided we would go to bed early and started our bedtime routine at 7:30 hoping to get Colin asleep by 8. No such luck. He nursed and then... cried. For an hour. I was at a loss. I tried everything. He kept making the sign for me milk, very blatantly, in my face. Yet, when I offered him milk he would either scream or bite me.... but he kept making the sign. I thought maybe he was teething, since I've read that biting can be a sign of teething. So I gave him tylenol and teething meds and still, nothing changed. He would sign for milk and scream and bite and scream some more.
I put him in his crib and had to walk away. I was so tired and frustrated. I hate those nights. I turned off my house, let the dog in and got myself ready for bed. I brought my still screaming child to bed... where he continued to cry and sign for milk. If my mom lived in my town, or I had a best friend down the road, I would have called them and asked for help. I was too tired to deal with it. But we trucked on. I decided to call Ryan who is working out of town. When I turned my phone on, Colin calmed down. He reached for the phone and started playing with it. Ryan didn't answer so I let him play with it. I figured it was more peaceful than screaming. He laid his head on me and I rubbed his back and the next second he was asleep, holding onto my phone.
I said, screw my phone that will be dead in the morning and also went to sleep. I woke up around 2 and he was STILL sleeping! A miracle! He slept pretty much the entire night... which is very rare, but I think we both really needed the sleep and for that I am very thankful. I can tell I am desperate for sleep when I have a break down at night. I keep thinking all these things on nights where I REALLY need sleep like how did I fail as mother and not teach my almost 1 year old to sleep. How have I survived almost a year of this no sleep. What am I doing wrong.
It seemed like we were on a better sleeping track the past few weeks and then this week it has all gone downhill. BUT we all had a stomach bug the past week. Colin has his first real diaper rash from having so much diarrhea and I know our tummies haven't been feeling well. Also I was hoping it was tooth #8 contributing to this... but in all honesty his gums look the same as they have with no real changes... so who knows. I love nights where he sleeps because then I know he is capable of it... I just don't understand why it doesn't happen every night or even every week or every month.
I am thankful for a much clearer head this morning, so that is a good thing. The first thing my kid did when we woke up was stick his tongue out at me. So at least we are all in good spirits! :) But as much as I love my munchkin and being a mother, It is definitely the toughest job I've ever done and I know it will get that much tougher as the years go on.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
I have a problem...
I am addicted to online shopping....
The first step is admitting it, right?
I already know that is what I'm giving up for lent... but I don't know what is going to happen between now and lent! The thought is rather frightening!
I guess that is what happens when you live in the sticks and don't have regular stores.... but I believe I've taken it to far. (Good thing my husband doesn't read this!)
I seriously have been getting packages lately and think to myself as I stare at the box, what the hell is this? Terrible, Right??
Fortunately I've been shopping for Colin's birthday party, so a lot of the "What the heck is this" stuff is for Colin's birthday. I seriously have been getting like at least 3 packages a week. Not good.
How do I fix this terrible problem? Every week I tell myself I will not buy anything this week... and then, what do I do... This morning I log into my computer, see that NY&Company is having a sale, tell myself how sick I am of my winter wardrobe and buy 3 sweaters that I probably didn't need. (But they were on sale... LOL!!!)
Ok, seriously, I am not going to buy anything else online this week! I think, that maybe I can do it! Maybe.... wish me luck!
The first step is admitting it, right?
I already know that is what I'm giving up for lent... but I don't know what is going to happen between now and lent! The thought is rather frightening!
I guess that is what happens when you live in the sticks and don't have regular stores.... but I believe I've taken it to far. (Good thing my husband doesn't read this!)
I seriously have been getting packages lately and think to myself as I stare at the box, what the hell is this? Terrible, Right??
Fortunately I've been shopping for Colin's birthday party, so a lot of the "What the heck is this" stuff is for Colin's birthday. I seriously have been getting like at least 3 packages a week. Not good.
How do I fix this terrible problem? Every week I tell myself I will not buy anything this week... and then, what do I do... This morning I log into my computer, see that NY&Company is having a sale, tell myself how sick I am of my winter wardrobe and buy 3 sweaters that I probably didn't need. (But they were on sale... LOL!!!)
Ok, seriously, I am not going to buy anything else online this week! I think, that maybe I can do it! Maybe.... wish me luck!
Tooth #8 Might be the death of me....
For real.
Dear Tooth #8,
I wish you would just pop out so I wouldn't have to deal with your nonsense! I hate you, yet wish to see your presence soon!
Sincerely, Me
Colin hasn't cut a tooth... in about 2 months??? Possibly longer. He has had an uneven 7 teeth for that long. (I hate uneven numbers... but I guess he was born on the 7th, so maybe that's why?) He got most of his teeth all at once, so I expected tooth #8 to pop out shortly after the rest. It hasn't.
Every time we have a bad night's sleep, I blame it on tooth #8.
Last night we were out late with Ryan's work dinner. We got back and skipped bath time and put Colin straight to bed. He fell asleep a bit after 9 and woke up at midnight. From 12-3 he woke up like 5 times... No bueno. So I gave him teething meds on his swollen tooth #8 spot and he slept 4 hours.
Stupid tooth #8.
Dear Tooth #8,
I wish you would just pop out so I wouldn't have to deal with your nonsense! I hate you, yet wish to see your presence soon!
Sincerely, Me
Colin hasn't cut a tooth... in about 2 months??? Possibly longer. He has had an uneven 7 teeth for that long. (I hate uneven numbers... but I guess he was born on the 7th, so maybe that's why?) He got most of his teeth all at once, so I expected tooth #8 to pop out shortly after the rest. It hasn't.
Every time we have a bad night's sleep, I blame it on tooth #8.
Last night we were out late with Ryan's work dinner. We got back and skipped bath time and put Colin straight to bed. He fell asleep a bit after 9 and woke up at midnight. From 12-3 he woke up like 5 times... No bueno. So I gave him teething meds on his swollen tooth #8 spot and he slept 4 hours.
Stupid tooth #8.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Colin's sleep
Real quick while I am upright, I wanted to touch on Colin's sleep.
I am happy to report that we are going on 2 week of sleeping better. Yup, I said it... sssshhhh... dont' tell Colin he might regress.
I am now judging all of my nights on whether or not I have dreams. I swear I didn't dream for about 6 months... if not longer and just this past week or so since he started sleeping, I've started dreaming again, which to me means I'm getting into deeper sleep. Which is awesome! So if I wake up and I can immediately remember dreaming it puts a smile on my face because I know I've slept! Whoo Hoo!
His typical schedule is in bed between 8-9, depending upon the night and he gets up around 1 or 1:30. I'll feed him and bring him to bed with me and he usually wakes up when Ryan gets up around 5 and then sleeps until about 7. But by golly am I not chipper and ready to go for the day at 1:30 and at 5! Lol Going for so long with only an hour or two of sleep at a time, it is amazing what a solid 4 hours feels like! :)
At this point I don't really know if removing dairy from our diets has made the difference or not, but I am sticking with it and I think I'm on 4 weeks dairy free? Not bad! :)
I am happy to report that we are going on 2 week of sleeping better. Yup, I said it... sssshhhh... dont' tell Colin he might regress.
I am now judging all of my nights on whether or not I have dreams. I swear I didn't dream for about 6 months... if not longer and just this past week or so since he started sleeping, I've started dreaming again, which to me means I'm getting into deeper sleep. Which is awesome! So if I wake up and I can immediately remember dreaming it puts a smile on my face because I know I've slept! Whoo Hoo!
His typical schedule is in bed between 8-9, depending upon the night and he gets up around 1 or 1:30. I'll feed him and bring him to bed with me and he usually wakes up when Ryan gets up around 5 and then sleeps until about 7. But by golly am I not chipper and ready to go for the day at 1:30 and at 5! Lol Going for so long with only an hour or two of sleep at a time, it is amazing what a solid 4 hours feels like! :)
At this point I don't really know if removing dairy from our diets has made the difference or not, but I am sticking with it and I think I'm on 4 weeks dairy free? Not bad! :)
Stomach bug? Bleh!
Sorry I haven't posted all week, I've been plagued by a stupid stomach bug.
It is the weirdest thing, it hits me in the middle of the night. I feel perfectly normal during the day and then I wake up feeling sick at like 1 or 2 in the morning and my stomach is just doing hulla hoops! Not cool. Colin has it a bit too I think, he had one night of yucky sleep and a few days of loose stools. Poor kiddo. I don't even know where I got it from... nobody else I know is even sick. I thought it was just something I ate, but it has been since Monday now, so I'm guessing not so much. Although I thought I was rid of it Weds/Thursday and this morning it came back with a vengeance. Maybe I re-caught it from Colin? Who knows needless to say I called in from work today. I've already taken a massive nap on the couch with Colin (he fell asleep watching Barney... that dinosaur is a lot creepier than I remembered! Lol) And I am stuck watching crappy daytime tv, drinking juice and eating rice chex all day... while Colin runs around and entertains me. Earlier I was laying on the couch and he came over and started trying to spoon feed me (air I guess) but he thought he was being very helpful. Love that kid.
Ok, that's all I have for now. Taking my butt back to the couch as soon as I fill up my glass of juice. :)
It is the weirdest thing, it hits me in the middle of the night. I feel perfectly normal during the day and then I wake up feeling sick at like 1 or 2 in the morning and my stomach is just doing hulla hoops! Not cool. Colin has it a bit too I think, he had one night of yucky sleep and a few days of loose stools. Poor kiddo. I don't even know where I got it from... nobody else I know is even sick. I thought it was just something I ate, but it has been since Monday now, so I'm guessing not so much. Although I thought I was rid of it Weds/Thursday and this morning it came back with a vengeance. Maybe I re-caught it from Colin? Who knows needless to say I called in from work today. I've already taken a massive nap on the couch with Colin (he fell asleep watching Barney... that dinosaur is a lot creepier than I remembered! Lol) And I am stuck watching crappy daytime tv, drinking juice and eating rice chex all day... while Colin runs around and entertains me. Earlier I was laying on the couch and he came over and started trying to spoon feed me (air I guess) but he thought he was being very helpful. Love that kid.
Ok, that's all I have for now. Taking my butt back to the couch as soon as I fill up my glass of juice. :)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
So I may have a problem... with boots. I LOVE boots. So excited for fall so I can wear boots 24/7. But I wish I had a closet full of them. I've already bought 2 new pairs of boots this fall... that is with the other oh, 7 or so pairs I already had in my closet. Yup... I told you, I have a problem.|Riding Boots&prdNo=4
I totally bought these this weekend. I have been lusting over riding boots for awhile and finally gave in cause Sears was having this sale. I know they look kind of ridiculous, but I assure you, they are awesome! :)|Riding Boots&prdNo=4
I totally bought these this weekend. I have been lusting over riding boots for awhile and finally gave in cause Sears was having this sale. I know they look kind of ridiculous, but I assure you, they are awesome! :)
Baby Cousins
Colin has a cousin that is 2 months younger than him (although you can hardly tell, because they are very close in size! ). It is Ryan's cousin's little girl, so Colin's 2nd cousin.
We decided we would take pictures of the two for Ryan's grandma and make a calendar for her for Christmas of her two Great-Grandkids.
Let me just say taking pictures of a 9 month old and an 11 month old is like herding cats... We decided very early on that getting them to both look at the camera and smile was pretty much impossible, so we went a different route and as long as they are playing together we figured that was good enough! Lol
Here are some of our shots that were too cute not share with the world!
We decided we would take pictures of the two for Ryan's grandma and make a calendar for her for Christmas of her two Great-Grandkids.
Let me just say taking pictures of a 9 month old and an 11 month old is like herding cats... We decided very early on that getting them to both look at the camera and smile was pretty much impossible, so we went a different route and as long as they are playing together we figured that was good enough! Lol
Here are some of our shots that were too cute not share with the world!
We had to bribe them with food for a bit... Lol |
Love her eyes! |
![]() |
We have a bunch more of the cousins outside, but it is on their camera. I think we have enough for a calendar! :) |
Monday, October 8, 2012
11 Months
Almost a year.... I can't believe it!
You are doing all kinds of new things this month...
You finally took your first steps, although you are nowhere near walking!
You point at EVERYTHING! Lol It is rather amusing.
You are saying lots of things, most of which I can't comprehend, but you say Ba for Ball and Da for Dog and the usually, mama, dadda, but you also bark after you hear Bailey barking.
You give hugs and kisses. Mostly to your stuffed animals, but occasionally to your daddy and I!
You are tying to use utensils and are not successful, but you try so very hard!
You eat everything and your new trick is throwing food on the floor, which I'm not to fond of, but the dog thinks its really cool! (on the food topic, we cut out dairy from your diet to see if it was affecting your sleep)
You are sleeping better! Hooray! Still not through the night, but you've been getting up once or twice the past couple days and it is glorious!
You are as active as ever and still a wild monkey... which is what you will be for Halloween! Lol
You are wearing 9-12 month clothes, size 3 diapers. You are about 18 or 19 lbs and I have no idea how tall, but I'm guessing at least 30 inches?
And now pictures!
You are doing all kinds of new things this month...
You finally took your first steps, although you are nowhere near walking!
You point at EVERYTHING! Lol It is rather amusing.
You are saying lots of things, most of which I can't comprehend, but you say Ba for Ball and Da for Dog and the usually, mama, dadda, but you also bark after you hear Bailey barking.
You give hugs and kisses. Mostly to your stuffed animals, but occasionally to your daddy and I!
You are tying to use utensils and are not successful, but you try so very hard!
You eat everything and your new trick is throwing food on the floor, which I'm not to fond of, but the dog thinks its really cool! (on the food topic, we cut out dairy from your diet to see if it was affecting your sleep)
You are sleeping better! Hooray! Still not through the night, but you've been getting up once or twice the past couple days and it is glorious!
You are as active as ever and still a wild monkey... which is what you will be for Halloween! Lol
You are wearing 9-12 month clothes, size 3 diapers. You are about 18 or 19 lbs and I have no idea how tall, but I'm guessing at least 30 inches?
And now pictures!
Silly boy! |
Showing off those pointing skills... Yup, I am 11 months old! |
Love that seriuos face.... Are we done with pictures yet Mom???? |
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
2 1/2 weeks dairy free..
I thought I'd update on our dairy free process since I haven't said anything in awhile.
I am happy to say it is going well. I've been able to adjust my diet pretty well. I eat lots of chicken, veggies, fruit and beans. Beans are my new addiction. Gross, I know, Lol. I used to HATE beans, but they are actually not bad and Colin likes them too. Plus living in New Mexico with a million Mexican restaurants, they are pretty easy to find!
Colin's sleep... Well he is not even close to sleeping through the night... BUT he has some very good sleep stretches. He has had one 5 hour and one 5 1/2 hour stretch of sleep. Something he hasn't had in at least 6 months. He has also had a ton of 4 hour stretches, which have been *almost* a norm, where as a few weeks ago I was praying for 4 hours of sleep. Every night he at least has one 3 hour stretch. I feel like he is less restless at night and is able to sleep better. One night he even only woke up twice... I was VERY excited! Lol Don't get me wrong we still have our rough nights. Last night he didn't sleep much and one day this weekend he got up at 4 in the morning and decided he wanted to play.
So is it the dairy that is making him sleep better? Who knows! I also bought a Baltic amber teething necklace for him about a week and a half ago. I know, I've turned uber hippy! But I had heard good things about the necklace and it seemed that Colin was having a terrible time with teething, so I went ahead and bought one. Ryan isn't soo keen on his son wearing a necklace, but whatever! I am almost ashamed to say I used to give Colin Tylenol and teething meds every night in hopes it was his teeth that were keeping him up and that would help him sleep better. Since going dairy free and buying the amber necklace, it is a rare occasion when I give him Tylenol or teething meds before bed and it seems like he is sleeping just as good if not better.
So the moral of this blog? I am going to keep going dairy free for awhile still and see how it helps. I think eventually I will try some dairy in my diet and see if it affects him, but for now we are going to stick to it.
ALSO, I have to add, I am dreaming. I know it sounds funny,but I swear I haven't dreamed in like a year! Maybe I wasn't sleeping long enough to get a dream in? But I wake up and I remember dreams and I find it so weird. But I think it is a good thing!!
I am happy to say it is going well. I've been able to adjust my diet pretty well. I eat lots of chicken, veggies, fruit and beans. Beans are my new addiction. Gross, I know, Lol. I used to HATE beans, but they are actually not bad and Colin likes them too. Plus living in New Mexico with a million Mexican restaurants, they are pretty easy to find!
Colin's sleep... Well he is not even close to sleeping through the night... BUT he has some very good sleep stretches. He has had one 5 hour and one 5 1/2 hour stretch of sleep. Something he hasn't had in at least 6 months. He has also had a ton of 4 hour stretches, which have been *almost* a norm, where as a few weeks ago I was praying for 4 hours of sleep. Every night he at least has one 3 hour stretch. I feel like he is less restless at night and is able to sleep better. One night he even only woke up twice... I was VERY excited! Lol Don't get me wrong we still have our rough nights. Last night he didn't sleep much and one day this weekend he got up at 4 in the morning and decided he wanted to play.
So is it the dairy that is making him sleep better? Who knows! I also bought a Baltic amber teething necklace for him about a week and a half ago. I know, I've turned uber hippy! But I had heard good things about the necklace and it seemed that Colin was having a terrible time with teething, so I went ahead and bought one. Ryan isn't soo keen on his son wearing a necklace, but whatever! I am almost ashamed to say I used to give Colin Tylenol and teething meds every night in hopes it was his teeth that were keeping him up and that would help him sleep better. Since going dairy free and buying the amber necklace, it is a rare occasion when I give him Tylenol or teething meds before bed and it seems like he is sleeping just as good if not better.
So the moral of this blog? I am going to keep going dairy free for awhile still and see how it helps. I think eventually I will try some dairy in my diet and see if it affects him, but for now we are going to stick to it.
ALSO, I have to add, I am dreaming. I know it sounds funny,but I swear I haven't dreamed in like a year! Maybe I wasn't sleeping long enough to get a dream in? But I wake up and I remember dreams and I find it so weird. But I think it is a good thing!!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Fall Boots
In my previous fashion post I talked about the new cute fall wedges I got, seen here:
I talked about how I was excited to spruce up that outfit with a sweater and my knee high boots... well, I couldn't wait any longer, so here it is! :) It is still too warm to wear, but I wore that outfit to church on Sunday and then wanted to see what it would look like with my boots.... and then took a few photos! :) What do you think? Same outfit, plus a sweater... Also from NY&Company (I told you, I have a problem with that place...) and my boots are from Shoedazzle.
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sweater unbottoned |
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buttoned |
Date night!
Last night Ryan and I went on our first date since before we had Colin.... yup... we hadn't been on a date in almost 11 months! Pretty terrible, I'll admit. We talked about it, but never got around to it. Plus not having any family here... not wanting to bother our daytime babysitter at night... oh the excuses could go on and on.
We didn't quite know what to do on a date... in fact Ryan even asked me, what do people do on dates? Lol oh we are a pitiful bunch! We were going to go watch a movie and go to dinner, BUT the movie playing was a scary movie and I am just not into scary movies... I have a hard enough time with a baby keeping me up at night, I don't need to be freaked out by anything else, thank you very much! So what did we do....
Well, we were playing each other in Fantasy Football.... so we went to a sports bar/lounge had drinks and ate dinner there while we watched football.... and we had a FABULOUS time! It was so wonderful to spend time together and not have to worry about the baby screaming, throwing food across the restaurant, making sure he has enough food, etc.... I could go on forever! Lol
We plan to have a date night/day once a month. I don't know if it will work, but it is a good plan and better than what we have been doing... which is nothing!! :)
Oh and I'd like to add that I had my first amaretto sour in YEARS. Yup... that used to be my favorite drink and I literally can't remember the last time I had one... but at least 2 years! And it was SOOO YUMMY! lol
We didn't quite know what to do on a date... in fact Ryan even asked me, what do people do on dates? Lol oh we are a pitiful bunch! We were going to go watch a movie and go to dinner, BUT the movie playing was a scary movie and I am just not into scary movies... I have a hard enough time with a baby keeping me up at night, I don't need to be freaked out by anything else, thank you very much! So what did we do....
Well, we were playing each other in Fantasy Football.... so we went to a sports bar/lounge had drinks and ate dinner there while we watched football.... and we had a FABULOUS time! It was so wonderful to spend time together and not have to worry about the baby screaming, throwing food across the restaurant, making sure he has enough food, etc.... I could go on forever! Lol
We plan to have a date night/day once a month. I don't know if it will work, but it is a good plan and better than what we have been doing... which is nothing!! :)
Oh and I'd like to add that I had my first amaretto sour in YEARS. Yup... that used to be my favorite drink and I literally can't remember the last time I had one... but at least 2 years! And it was SOOO YUMMY! lol
New look...
I just got a new template for my blog.... Thoughts? It is rather plain jane, but I kept going back to it because I like the top banner. What do you think? I hope you like it!
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