I had a great first day back at work!!
I swear I think I payed more attention to Colin at work than I do at home. At home, I watch TV and sit with him on the recliner and play on the computer. Today when we didn't have visitors I held him and walked him around to look out the windows and played and talked to him. My attention was 100% on him with no distractions. When we had visitors he happily played in his play yard, kicking and grabbing at toys. I fed him about every 2 hours and we went for a walk during my lunch break and before my mile was up he was passed out in the Moby and I wore a sleeping baby for about an hour while I worked! I hope to continue going for walks during my break... It was so nice to get some exercise, break up the day and get some nice fresh air.
I know not everyday will probably be this good, but at least our first day was pretty good! :) He loved looking around at all the different things and even smiled at some visitors (mostly old ladies... it is old people traveling to Arizona season we didn't have a single visitor under 65 today! Lol)
And now... I am exhausted. Time for a shower and bed!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Colin's baptism
One cool thing before I talk about that is that Colin laughed, like let out a big ole chuckle the morning of his baptism! I can't get him to do it again... but I thought that was really special!
Colin's baptism was wonderful and couldn't have gone off better if I planned it all! The baptism was after the 5pm mass on Saturday, Colin slept through the entire mass! (YES!) Ryan kept wanting to get him out of his car seat so he could hold him (or have something to do cause he was bored in church), but I wouldn't let him wake him up! After the mass we headed over to the baptismal fountain. Colin was the only baby getting baptised that day, which made the ceremony very special and personal. The deacon did an excellent job and explained everything before he did it, which was nice because most of our family isn't Catholic... so it helped them understand everything. Colin did amazing! He didn't even cry when they poured water on his head. He had a smiling fit while I was holding him and just smiled and smiled at me! And then at the end he got a little hungry and started sucking on his fingers... but no crying! We do have lots of pictures with his hands to his mouth, but hey, it beats crying! :)
After the ceremony we went to Ryan's grandparents house where they hosted a giant feast for everyone and I think I ate enough for a week and gained back all the weight I've lost! ;)
My fabulous sister-in-law-to-be took pictures with my camera and she did an awesome job! I'm so glad she was there to do that for us!
And here is the picture overload:
Colin's baptism was wonderful and couldn't have gone off better if I planned it all! The baptism was after the 5pm mass on Saturday, Colin slept through the entire mass! (YES!) Ryan kept wanting to get him out of his car seat so he could hold him (or have something to do cause he was bored in church), but I wouldn't let him wake him up! After the mass we headed over to the baptismal fountain. Colin was the only baby getting baptised that day, which made the ceremony very special and personal. The deacon did an excellent job and explained everything before he did it, which was nice because most of our family isn't Catholic... so it helped them understand everything. Colin did amazing! He didn't even cry when they poured water on his head. He had a smiling fit while I was holding him and just smiled and smiled at me! And then at the end he got a little hungry and started sucking on his fingers... but no crying! We do have lots of pictures with his hands to his mouth, but hey, it beats crying! :)
After the ceremony we went to Ryan's grandparents house where they hosted a giant feast for everyone and I think I ate enough for a week and gained back all the weight I've lost! ;)
My fabulous sister-in-law-to-be took pictures with my camera and she did an awesome job! I'm so glad she was there to do that for us!
And here is the picture overload:
Meeting his baby cousin Aurelia (who was 10 days old) for the first time! |
Great-Aunt Tara drove 5 hours to meet Colin on his special day! |
Great Grandma and Grandpa hosted a dinner for Colin and all of our family after the event! |
Uncle Patrick and Aunt Katheryn |
Friday, January 27, 2012
Bottle update
Colin finally took a bottle from Daddy last night. And I'm not talking like half an ounce like we've normally had. He took like 2.5 ounces! Hooray! Of course this is just in time for when I return to work... and just as I ordered new bottles because I was starting to think he'd never get it! lol Oh well. His new bottles will be in sometime today and maybe he will take those even easier... maybe... or maybe I wasted my money... whatever! So happy he is taking his bottle again! Hooray Hooray!
I somehow met my goal of being back in the 140's before I returned to work. It may not be low in the 140s but by golly I am in the 140s! Hooray!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Phone Dump!
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I love this. In his mommy outfit with his soccer socks! <3 |
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After his bath! This picture makes me giggle! |
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Tummy time! He was holding his head and shoulders up really high... of course when I take a picture he drops his left shoulder down! |
AND my favorite picture of the week :
I don't know what he was doing but this cracks me up everytime I see it! :)
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
1 year
I went in for my annual pap (joy) on Monday. My doctor looks at her computer and said it was almost exactly a year since I had my last pap.She looked over at Colin sleeping soundly in his carseat and she said, Can you believe how far we've come in the past year?!
She is totally right. I went in last year crying to her. It had been 8 months of us trying to concieve with no luck. I was so frustrated and tired of negative pregnancy tests. I went in almost begging her for help. Her advice was to do temping... take my temperature every day to see exactly when I was ovulating. Literally 2 weeks later was when we conceived. I remember when we went in for our first OB appointment she was like, Really? Lol
My oh my, how much a year can change your life. As I write this I have a beautiful miracle passed out on me making the sweetest little sleep noises ever and a tear in my eye. <3
She is totally right. I went in last year crying to her. It had been 8 months of us trying to concieve with no luck. I was so frustrated and tired of negative pregnancy tests. I went in almost begging her for help. Her advice was to do temping... take my temperature every day to see exactly when I was ovulating. Literally 2 weeks later was when we conceived. I remember when we went in for our first OB appointment she was like, Really? Lol
My oh my, how much a year can change your life. As I write this I have a beautiful miracle passed out on me making the sweetest little sleep noises ever and a tear in my eye. <3
Should I teach Colin to suck his thumb?
He HATES his pacifiers. Which sucks (no pun intended) because everyone has given us the cutest pacifiers ever... yet they don't last more than a minute in his mouth. I've tried getting him to suck on them and he just makes a terrible face and moves the nipple around with his tongue. (Kinda like bottle feeding.) The paci will only stay in his mouth if I hold it and the second I take my hand away he shoots it across the room. I've tried different kinds of pacis and different shapes... they all get the same reaction.
He does do this weird thing. Where he kinda sorta... not really... sucks on his hands. When he is tired or hungry he will bring both hands up to his mouth and suck.... but most of the time he never even gets his hands in his mouth. He just does the sucking motion. I think it is kind of weird, but that is how he falls asleep on his own too. So it made me wonder if I should stick his little thumb out for him and show him how to suck on his thumb? Kind of like an always there for him paci! Lol
But I just don't know.
He HATES his pacifiers. Which sucks (no pun intended) because everyone has given us the cutest pacifiers ever... yet they don't last more than a minute in his mouth. I've tried getting him to suck on them and he just makes a terrible face and moves the nipple around with his tongue. (Kinda like bottle feeding.) The paci will only stay in his mouth if I hold it and the second I take my hand away he shoots it across the room. I've tried different kinds of pacis and different shapes... they all get the same reaction.
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This is the face he makes everytime! Lol |
He does do this weird thing. Where he kinda sorta... not really... sucks on his hands. When he is tired or hungry he will bring both hands up to his mouth and suck.... but most of the time he never even gets his hands in his mouth. He just does the sucking motion. I think it is kind of weird, but that is how he falls asleep on his own too. So it made me wonder if I should stick his little thumb out for him and show him how to suck on his thumb? Kind of like an always there for him paci! Lol
But I just don't know.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Guess I should've done some 2 month stats, huh?
At 2 months Colin Can:
- Grab onto things : My shirt or bra when breastfeeding, toys, fingers, glasses, jewelry and his newest... my phone! He's pretty mastered at grabbing. Right now he is grabbing one of his toys on his playmat with BOTH hands!
- Can almost roll over. He rolls to his side and then his arm gets in the way. But he likes doing that... and will roll from side back to his back over and over when he plays on the floor.
- Can hold his head up really well. Even on tummy time he tries to find the tv while on his stomach and will hold his head forever if he finds it! Lol
- Follows you not only with his eyes but with his head to.... especially mommy he likes to follow her... makes daddy mad!
- Likes to look around and stand up. Forget this whole holding him like a baby thing. He will fight it and tries to sit himself up... but can't. Our new favorite game is to stand him up and he marches or does this cute little twiddle feet in the air.
- Sleep... longest sleep stretch has been 5 hours... but most nights it is closer to 3-4 hours.
- Loves his changing table. I dont' know why... but it is his favorite thing in the whole world. He kicks and smiles and talks like crazy, when he is on his changing table. I think he likes to be naked! Lol
- Loves kicking on his playmat. Kicking is his favorite. I'm hoping there is soccer in his future!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Last night = sucky
Maybe it was because we screwed up bedtime the night before by staying out on the town til 11. Or maybe it was because I selfishly wanted to watch the end of the football game so I started bedtime late, but bedtime did NOT work last night. We missed that sleepy window and we payed.
He was soo upset he did not want to breastfeed on either side (which is unusual... typically it is just the left.) But, he was starving and wanted to eat so bad. Every time I tried to bring him to a boob he would scream bloody murder. I brought him back into the living room where Ryan was up working on some work and Daddy rocked him to a light sleep. I was then able to get him to feed. He was OUT... BUT he had a wet diaper and wasn't swaddled. So like a dummy I changed him and swaddled him and thought since he was nice and calm he'd eat on the other side and go straight to bed. Not. I think we spent an hour and a half of crying before I got him to latch and go back to sleep. Sigh.
I was so upset. I HATE when bedtime goes like this and I know exactly what he wants, but he is too tired and fussy to do it. I hate when he cries. I feel like a bad mom. I know it is normal and I should deal with it better, but I don't. I just cry. I read about all these other people whose kids just go to sleep. They feed them and put them down in their crib and the kids sleep. I kept thinking last night, what the heck am I doing wrong? He isn't sleeping, he won't feed. I can't get him to take a bottle or I would've tried that. He doesn't even sleep in his own bed for crying out loud. He sleeps with me, all snuggled up in my arms. And I nurse him to sleep every night, which is a big no no. Everything they tell you not to do I feel like I'm doing. Why I can't I do anything right.
Luckily I have a wonderful husband who told me that I was being too hard on myself and he wished I wouldn't get so stressed out. I then realized that me stressing wasn't helping the situation at all and tried to snap out of it. We finally got Colin to sleep around 11 and poor Ryan had to get up at like 4:30. :(
I don't know why I'm so hard on myself, but I've always been my worst critic. I think as an only child thing, I always strive to be *perfect* even though I know there is no such thing. But I strive to be the most perfect me I can be and this pertains to mommy hood too. I know that not all nights are going to go smoothly... even though I wish they would. I need to take a step back and stop freaking out when they don't. Colin is only going to be little for so long. Someday he isn't even going to want me to kiss him goodnight, read him a story or snuggle him to sleep (more or less nurse him to sleep too! Lol). So I should enjoy this time with him, while I can. No more crying at bedtimes for Mommy. Or at least that's my new goal!
We may not be doing things like the books say, but for the most part what we are doing works for us. With the exception of nights like last night. We have a healthy beautiful baby boy and that is all that really matters. First step is to actually sleep and sleep on a schedule. Next step is to sleep in a bed other mommy and daddy's... maybe.
He was soo upset he did not want to breastfeed on either side (which is unusual... typically it is just the left.) But, he was starving and wanted to eat so bad. Every time I tried to bring him to a boob he would scream bloody murder. I brought him back into the living room where Ryan was up working on some work and Daddy rocked him to a light sleep. I was then able to get him to feed. He was OUT... BUT he had a wet diaper and wasn't swaddled. So like a dummy I changed him and swaddled him and thought since he was nice and calm he'd eat on the other side and go straight to bed. Not. I think we spent an hour and a half of crying before I got him to latch and go back to sleep. Sigh.
I was so upset. I HATE when bedtime goes like this and I know exactly what he wants, but he is too tired and fussy to do it. I hate when he cries. I feel like a bad mom. I know it is normal and I should deal with it better, but I don't. I just cry. I read about all these other people whose kids just go to sleep. They feed them and put them down in their crib and the kids sleep. I kept thinking last night, what the heck am I doing wrong? He isn't sleeping, he won't feed. I can't get him to take a bottle or I would've tried that. He doesn't even sleep in his own bed for crying out loud. He sleeps with me, all snuggled up in my arms. And I nurse him to sleep every night, which is a big no no. Everything they tell you not to do I feel like I'm doing. Why I can't I do anything right.
Luckily I have a wonderful husband who told me that I was being too hard on myself and he wished I wouldn't get so stressed out. I then realized that me stressing wasn't helping the situation at all and tried to snap out of it. We finally got Colin to sleep around 11 and poor Ryan had to get up at like 4:30. :(
I don't know why I'm so hard on myself, but I've always been my worst critic. I think as an only child thing, I always strive to be *perfect* even though I know there is no such thing. But I strive to be the most perfect me I can be and this pertains to mommy hood too. I know that not all nights are going to go smoothly... even though I wish they would. I need to take a step back and stop freaking out when they don't. Colin is only going to be little for so long. Someday he isn't even going to want me to kiss him goodnight, read him a story or snuggle him to sleep (more or less nurse him to sleep too! Lol). So I should enjoy this time with him, while I can. No more crying at bedtimes for Mommy. Or at least that's my new goal!
We may not be doing things like the books say, but for the most part what we are doing works for us. With the exception of nights like last night. We have a healthy beautiful baby boy and that is all that really matters. First step is to actually sleep and sleep on a schedule. Next step is to sleep in a bed other mommy and daddy's... maybe.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Chamber Banquet
Last night we went to the Chamber of Commerce banquet... and let me just brag for a second that my kid was the star of the show! Lol Ok... well maybe not completely... but EVERYONE loved him.
We got invited to attend through Ryan's work because they were getting an award. I was nervous about bringing a baby... but really where else would we leave him... we don't exactly have very many people who'd babysit for us and we've yet to leave him with someone, so we took him along. Of course he was the ONLY kid there. Which I kind of hate, because I feel out of place like we shouldn't have brought him.
He actually slept most of the day before we left, I thought he was going through a growth spurt, but he was WIDE awake during the entire banquet. Probably because it was loud and there was a lot to look at. He hated when they clapped, I thought he was going to cry every time! Poor kid. There were a lot of people there that I knew so he got handed around a couple of times and got lots of love. I swear every stranger that passed by doted on him and how good he was... heck, even Ryan's boss wanted to hold him! The president of the chamber even came over to say hello to the youngest guest of the evening.
He was actually very good for the first couple hours, but the darn thing was looong. And lasted well beyond his bedtime (and mine!) By the end he was getting tired and fussy, but he made it through, with Mom and Dad taking turns walking around with him in the back for the last hour. Nobody even heard him cry and everyone complimented how well behaved he was. I had a stranger tell me I was brave to take a 2 month old out, but that she was glad I did because he was super cute! :)
I wish we would have taken pictures because we all dressed up nicely. I even wore my new super cute high heels... I was trying to break them in before I wear them for the baptism next week... and I'm pretty sure I did. I did a few pictures of Colin and I before we left because I had him try out his bumbo for the first time :
I do have to note that I am shocked by the lack of changing tables in public restrooms. I kind of thought they were standard, until I had a kid and now I realize that it really is shocking how many places don't have them. I think all women's restrooms should be required to have 1.) A changing table and 2.) A comfy chair for moms to breastfeed. (They should also have a heater... but that's another story.)
Last night because we were there for almost 5 hours I had to feed Colin several times. Before the speeches and such started I fed him at the table with my udder cover.... I'm sure making Ryan's coworkers very uncomfortable, but I don't care. When the speeches and stuff started I took him out to feed him because he was also getting fussy and tired and I didn't want his loud eating or fussiness to interrupt anything. But where do I go to feed? I could've gone to the truck, but we parked a mile away and it was super cold... plus my kid will sometimes only eat on my left side while I'm standing up.. and you can't stand up in a truck... I ended up sitting on a toilet in a bathroom stall.... a very cold non heated bathroom stall (not to mention it snowed last night...). Ugh. I hate feeding in a bathroom stall. My kid makes lots of noises and people probably wonder what the hell is happening in that stall! Lol. So mark my words, If I ever build a place or run a place that has bathrooms I will make sure there is a changing station AND a place for moms to sit down to breast feed if they need to.
Any who, I was totally scared that messing up his bedtime was going to screw up sleeping last night. But he surprisingly went to bed fairly easy and slept VERY good... some of the best sleep I've gotten in awhile. 4 hours for the first stretch, 3 1/2 hours for the second stretch and then 3 hours for the next stretch... umm... that's like 10 hours of sleep in big old chunks! Yes! I think he was just waay exhausted from the banquet!
Ok, that is all from my long blog... if you made it this far, kudos!
We got invited to attend through Ryan's work because they were getting an award. I was nervous about bringing a baby... but really where else would we leave him... we don't exactly have very many people who'd babysit for us and we've yet to leave him with someone, so we took him along. Of course he was the ONLY kid there. Which I kind of hate, because I feel out of place like we shouldn't have brought him.
He actually slept most of the day before we left, I thought he was going through a growth spurt, but he was WIDE awake during the entire banquet. Probably because it was loud and there was a lot to look at. He hated when they clapped, I thought he was going to cry every time! Poor kid. There were a lot of people there that I knew so he got handed around a couple of times and got lots of love. I swear every stranger that passed by doted on him and how good he was... heck, even Ryan's boss wanted to hold him! The president of the chamber even came over to say hello to the youngest guest of the evening.
He was actually very good for the first couple hours, but the darn thing was looong. And lasted well beyond his bedtime (and mine!) By the end he was getting tired and fussy, but he made it through, with Mom and Dad taking turns walking around with him in the back for the last hour. Nobody even heard him cry and everyone complimented how well behaved he was. I had a stranger tell me I was brave to take a 2 month old out, but that she was glad I did because he was super cute! :)
I wish we would have taken pictures because we all dressed up nicely. I even wore my new super cute high heels... I was trying to break them in before I wear them for the baptism next week... and I'm pretty sure I did. I did a few pictures of Colin and I before we left because I had him try out his bumbo for the first time :
I do have to note that I am shocked by the lack of changing tables in public restrooms. I kind of thought they were standard, until I had a kid and now I realize that it really is shocking how many places don't have them. I think all women's restrooms should be required to have 1.) A changing table and 2.) A comfy chair for moms to breastfeed. (They should also have a heater... but that's another story.)
Last night because we were there for almost 5 hours I had to feed Colin several times. Before the speeches and such started I fed him at the table with my udder cover.... I'm sure making Ryan's coworkers very uncomfortable, but I don't care. When the speeches and stuff started I took him out to feed him because he was also getting fussy and tired and I didn't want his loud eating or fussiness to interrupt anything. But where do I go to feed? I could've gone to the truck, but we parked a mile away and it was super cold... plus my kid will sometimes only eat on my left side while I'm standing up.. and you can't stand up in a truck... I ended up sitting on a toilet in a bathroom stall.... a very cold non heated bathroom stall (not to mention it snowed last night...). Ugh. I hate feeding in a bathroom stall. My kid makes lots of noises and people probably wonder what the hell is happening in that stall! Lol. So mark my words, If I ever build a place or run a place that has bathrooms I will make sure there is a changing station AND a place for moms to sit down to breast feed if they need to.
Any who, I was totally scared that messing up his bedtime was going to screw up sleeping last night. But he surprisingly went to bed fairly easy and slept VERY good... some of the best sleep I've gotten in awhile. 4 hours for the first stretch, 3 1/2 hours for the second stretch and then 3 hours for the next stretch... umm... that's like 10 hours of sleep in big old chunks! Yes! I think he was just waay exhausted from the banquet!
Ok, that is all from my long blog... if you made it this far, kudos!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
That's what the scale said this morning... 1 more pound down the drain... AND I'm wearing my American Eagle jeans instead of maternity jeans.
I tried them on a good 2 or 3 pounds ago and they fit... but I still had quite a muffin top and thought they felt pretty uncomfy. I am tired of my maternity pants falling down on me though... I hate having to pull them up every time I stand up. Soo... after I saw what the scale said this morning, I thought I'd give my regular jeans a shot... and they went on rather nicely. Lets see if I stay in em all day... they are definately not as comfy as those stretchy top jeans! ;)
I tried them on a good 2 or 3 pounds ago and they fit... but I still had quite a muffin top and thought they felt pretty uncomfy. I am tired of my maternity pants falling down on me though... I hate having to pull them up every time I stand up. Soo... after I saw what the scale said this morning, I thought I'd give my regular jeans a shot... and they went on rather nicely. Lets see if I stay in em all day... they are definately not as comfy as those stretchy top jeans! ;)
Friday, January 20, 2012
2 month check up
Yesterday Colin had his 2 month check up and shots. I had to go alone because Ryan had to work late and I was nervous about it ALL day! We get there and surprisingly didn't have to wait at all... which is unusual at our office!
We went back and did the usual weight and height check. Colin has gained a pound since we had his post op visit for his tongue! :) He is now 12.1 lbs and 24 inches long. I think they said his head was 15 inches in circumference. Doctor came in and answered my a million and one questions. She said he was perfect and beautiful... all the things I'm sure she is supposed to say. Lol She did say that he had really good head control, which made me happy. Colin would NOT smile for her. He was very serious... maybe he sensed what was about to happen.
Then the trauma. The nurse came in to give him shots. :( Poor kid. He didn't even see it coming. He was staring at a poster on the wall kicking his legs all happy and then... he got stabbed in the leg. He whipped his head around and with this terrified look of shock and he screamed. He had almost calmed down and then... the second leg! :( That one was MUCH worse. His little face turned BRIGHT red and let out this little pitiful cry. The nurse said it was saddest little cry that she has ever heard! Lol. Even after the nurse left he was calmed down, but kept making these little pitiful noises. Ugh... it just broke my heart!
He slept on the way home and a little while after that in his car seat and then he woke up, like nothing had happened and was my normal happy baby!! He got lots of love and hugs from mommy and daddy and went to bed by 9 and slept relatively good and is napping now on the floor. (yes, on the floor... he has decided that his play mat is a nice safe place for cat naps during the day. He rolls over to side, sucks on his fingers and takes nap on his play mat.) So far he seems fine, so I think the doctor was right and it was much more traumatic for me than it was for him.
There are a couple things we have to watch on him to make sure they don't turn into anything serious and the doctor laughed at my bottle issue with him and said what everyone has said, "Don't worry about it, he will eat a bottle when he gets hungry enough, babies don't starve themselves. I have yet to see a baby come who has starved to death because they wouldn't take a bottle." lol
We went back and did the usual weight and height check. Colin has gained a pound since we had his post op visit for his tongue! :) He is now 12.1 lbs and 24 inches long. I think they said his head was 15 inches in circumference. Doctor came in and answered my a million and one questions. She said he was perfect and beautiful... all the things I'm sure she is supposed to say. Lol She did say that he had really good head control, which made me happy. Colin would NOT smile for her. He was very serious... maybe he sensed what was about to happen.
Then the trauma. The nurse came in to give him shots. :( Poor kid. He didn't even see it coming. He was staring at a poster on the wall kicking his legs all happy and then... he got stabbed in the leg. He whipped his head around and with this terrified look of shock and he screamed. He had almost calmed down and then... the second leg! :( That one was MUCH worse. His little face turned BRIGHT red and let out this little pitiful cry. The nurse said it was saddest little cry that she has ever heard! Lol. Even after the nurse left he was calmed down, but kept making these little pitiful noises. Ugh... it just broke my heart!
He slept on the way home and a little while after that in his car seat and then he woke up, like nothing had happened and was my normal happy baby!! He got lots of love and hugs from mommy and daddy and went to bed by 9 and slept relatively good and is napping now on the floor. (yes, on the floor... he has decided that his play mat is a nice safe place for cat naps during the day. He rolls over to side, sucks on his fingers and takes nap on his play mat.) So far he seems fine, so I think the doctor was right and it was much more traumatic for me than it was for him.
There are a couple things we have to watch on him to make sure they don't turn into anything serious and the doctor laughed at my bottle issue with him and said what everyone has said, "Don't worry about it, he will eat a bottle when he gets hungry enough, babies don't starve themselves. I have yet to see a baby come who has starved to death because they wouldn't take a bottle." lol
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Bottle feeding = Death
Yup... that is what Colin thinks. It is like we are killing him. He screams harder than he's ever cried before when that evil bottle comes near his little mouth. Last night he kept looking at me while Ryan was feeding attempting to feed him so I left the room hoping it would help. It didn't. BUT he gave up and went to "sleep" I think he was thinking that if he closed his eyes that evil bottle would leave him alone. Surprisingly he sucked in his "sleep" and ended up eating about half an ounce that way. I think if he is hungry enough he will give in and eat. But I'd hate to leave him at a sitters with that idea. Poor lady... I'd have to pay her like triple pay to deal with feeding time.
This whole bottle thing is helping him get over his left boob aversion though... because the left boob looks a whole lot better than that evil nipple! :)
This whole bottle thing is helping him get over his left boob aversion though... because the left boob looks a whole lot better than that evil nipple! :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
That's right... I'm going to go there... I'm going to blog about my weight. Eeeek.
I know... I know. My baby is only 2 months and 2 wks old. It took 9 months to put the weight on.. I can't expect it to just come off in a couple months... but lets be honest... I kind of did.
I stayed as fit as I could while pregnant. I walked on the treadmill nearly everyday... played soccer until I was 5 months and did Zumba until about 6 months or so. I was probably more active pregnant than I was before. I thought because of that, I wouldn't gain that much and what I did gain would come off pretty easy after I had the baby, especially since I was breastfeeding.... I thought the baby would just suck the fat out of me...that has not been the case.
Before we started trying to get pregnant I was about 135. A pretty ideal weight for me. When I went off birth control my weight jumped up... the highest I'd ever weighed in the 140s. I think the highest number I remember was 148... around last Thanksgiving. I freaked out and started exercising more and eating better and calorie counting. I got down to about 144 before we got pregnant. During my pregnancy I got up to 175... gaining about 30 lbs... which I was pretty happy with. I left the hospital about 9 lbs lighter than I went in after I had Colin. And I am now at my lowest number since Colin at 152 (on the dot... as of this morning). My goal was to at least get back into the 140's before I went back to work. I am not sure that is going to happen.. as I return back in 13 days. Lol. But I also just started exercising again within the last week or two so I am hoping that will help and so far it has. I was stuck at 153 for a long time, then during Christmas... all those darn delicious cookies that people gave me... I jumped back up to like 155. Then I started exercising and I've lost about a pound a week since then.
I am not good at eating healthy. Especially just sitting at home. I don't like cooking just for myself and tend to eat worse when I am home alone. When I was pregnant I hardly ate ANY veggies.. that's right.. I said it. I blamed it on the kid... and some of that was true, but I still don't really eat very many veggies after he is here! :) Don't worry... I drank stupid V8 fusion juice to make up for that so my kid wasn't deprived of nutrition in the womb. :) Maybe if I ate better then these last pounds would come off a bit easier! Lol
I know I need to patient and that in time I will hopefully go back down in weight... although I'm not sure my body will ever be the same. I may have to give up on fitting back into my old jeans again and buy a pair that is a size up... but I'm not quite ready to do that yet!
I am not looking forward to going back to work to listen to my stupid coworker who, supposedly lost all her baby weight AND MORE before she came back from maternity leave and needed smaller work pants and was tinier than she was in high school... tell me how I ...almost... look the same. I might have to be mean and tell her to suck it. I hate hearing about people who've lost more weight than they started out with... those people are freaks of nature. :) And my new goal is to hopefully be back into my old jeans comfortably by this summer.
So there.. I did it. I just blogged about my weight! Yuck!
I know... I know. My baby is only 2 months and 2 wks old. It took 9 months to put the weight on.. I can't expect it to just come off in a couple months... but lets be honest... I kind of did.
I stayed as fit as I could while pregnant. I walked on the treadmill nearly everyday... played soccer until I was 5 months and did Zumba until about 6 months or so. I was probably more active pregnant than I was before. I thought because of that, I wouldn't gain that much and what I did gain would come off pretty easy after I had the baby, especially since I was breastfeeding.... I thought the baby would just suck the fat out of me...that has not been the case.
Before we started trying to get pregnant I was about 135. A pretty ideal weight for me. When I went off birth control my weight jumped up... the highest I'd ever weighed in the 140s. I think the highest number I remember was 148... around last Thanksgiving. I freaked out and started exercising more and eating better and calorie counting. I got down to about 144 before we got pregnant. During my pregnancy I got up to 175... gaining about 30 lbs... which I was pretty happy with. I left the hospital about 9 lbs lighter than I went in after I had Colin. And I am now at my lowest number since Colin at 152 (on the dot... as of this morning). My goal was to at least get back into the 140's before I went back to work. I am not sure that is going to happen.. as I return back in 13 days. Lol. But I also just started exercising again within the last week or two so I am hoping that will help and so far it has. I was stuck at 153 for a long time, then during Christmas... all those darn delicious cookies that people gave me... I jumped back up to like 155. Then I started exercising and I've lost about a pound a week since then.
I am not good at eating healthy. Especially just sitting at home. I don't like cooking just for myself and tend to eat worse when I am home alone. When I was pregnant I hardly ate ANY veggies.. that's right.. I said it. I blamed it on the kid... and some of that was true, but I still don't really eat very many veggies after he is here! :) Don't worry... I drank stupid V8 fusion juice to make up for that so my kid wasn't deprived of nutrition in the womb. :) Maybe if I ate better then these last pounds would come off a bit easier! Lol
I know I need to patient and that in time I will hopefully go back down in weight... although I'm not sure my body will ever be the same. I may have to give up on fitting back into my old jeans again and buy a pair that is a size up... but I'm not quite ready to do that yet!
I am not looking forward to going back to work to listen to my stupid coworker who, supposedly lost all her baby weight AND MORE before she came back from maternity leave and needed smaller work pants and was tinier than she was in high school... tell me how I ...almost... look the same. I might have to be mean and tell her to suck it. I hate hearing about people who've lost more weight than they started out with... those people are freaks of nature. :) And my new goal is to hopefully be back into my old jeans comfortably by this summer.
So there.. I did it. I just blogged about my weight! Yuck!
New Bedtime night 3
We got a little bit later of start than the other 2 days because I had Zumba... after Zumba, which gets out 7, I had to come home and eat and then shower before I even started Colin's bedtime. So we didn't get to start until close to 8. Even so, we were IN bed by 8:25 and he was OUT by about 8:45. Whew!
Unfortunately I slept terribly... again. I had 3 boys trying to snuggle me... I think I need a bigger bed. Sigh. The stupid cat wanted to be right next to us, last night... when typically he just kind of does his own thing. I suppose it is my own fault for getting him shaved at the groomers the day before... he was cold and wanted to be kept warm! Lol That plus, Ryan's cousin was in labor last night and I kept getting text messages from our family until she had the baby at 12:20 something this morning. So... I kept waking up with every message thinking... it was THE ONE saying she had the baby! Lol.
That being said, Colin's new cousin, Aurelia Duran was born very early this morning, weighing 7lbs 3 oz. and 20 inches long. I am excited that Colin will have someone that close in age to play with growing up. I can't wait to meet her! :)
Unfortunately I slept terribly... again. I had 3 boys trying to snuggle me... I think I need a bigger bed. Sigh. The stupid cat wanted to be right next to us, last night... when typically he just kind of does his own thing. I suppose it is my own fault for getting him shaved at the groomers the day before... he was cold and wanted to be kept warm! Lol That plus, Ryan's cousin was in labor last night and I kept getting text messages from our family until she had the baby at 12:20 something this morning. So... I kept waking up with every message thinking... it was THE ONE saying she had the baby! Lol.
That being said, Colin's new cousin, Aurelia Duran was born very early this morning, weighing 7lbs 3 oz. and 20 inches long. I am excited that Colin will have someone that close in age to play with growing up. I can't wait to meet her! :)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
One more for the day!
Colin took a bottle from Daddy last night!! Hooray!!!!! This was HUGE for me! He took bottles fine before he got his tongue clipped and then we didn't use them for awhile and when I tried again, no luck. I was pretty stressed because I kept thinking, How am I going to drop him off once or twice a week at a babysitter if he can't take a bottle??? Totally freaked out! Lol My goal now is to get him to drink a bottle a day.
Tonight I go to Zumba and while I'm gone, I hope to have Ryan give him a bottle! :) It took 2 days for us to get him to drink the bottle he did last night and while it might have only been an ounce and a half... it was much better than nothing at all! So glad my baby won't starve while at the babysitters now! :)
Tonight I go to Zumba and while I'm gone, I hope to have Ryan give him a bottle! :) It took 2 days for us to get him to drink the bottle he did last night and while it might have only been an ounce and a half... it was much better than nothing at all! So glad my baby won't starve while at the babysitters now! :)
Phone Dump
I've decided to try and put some of my phone photos on here every week. I take a million pictures on my phone every week and they usually just stay there, except for the select few I upload to facebook. So lets see if I can put some of them on here to liven this thing up! :)
These are my favorite over the past week :
These are my favorite over the past week :
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Happy Boy... I sent this one to both Grandmas and they totally melted! :) |
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Serious face, staring out the window... I wonder what color his eyes will be. |
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This one cracks me up... 1.) he looks HUGE and 2.) he was sleeping with his arm up in the air... like he had it around someone! Lol |
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This is my favorite! <3 |
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He may look just like Daddy... but he has curly hair just like Mommy! :) |
New Bed Time day 2
Also a success. He was out by 8:40. Yes! Although I'm not sure he was as tired as last night because he was sleeping a little restless. He had a REALLY good first sleep stretch... which is typical for him... about 4 hours. BUT he usually sleeps like 2 to 3 hour stretches after that and last night I swear he got up every hour to eat. Maybe growing?? Whatever it was, was tiring on me. I have a hard time falling asleep at 8:30... which sucks and by the time I was falling asleep, he was getting ready to wake up and then was up every hour. Yuck! I imagine I will get used to falling asleep at 8:30 soon... this new bed time isn't just training for Colin, but for me too!
Monday, January 16, 2012
New bedtime
Well things at night time had been going really smoothly until about a week ago. I was having no problems putting Colin to bed. He just fell right to sleep and then slept just fine until morning. I dunno what snapped last week, but something did and our normal routine wasn't working anymore. He was originally falling asleep somewhere between 10 and 11. I had tried putting him to bed around 9ish several times, but he'd still fall asleep closer to 11.
With all the problems we had last week I decided we needed to change things up. Especially since I go back to work in 2 weeks... we can't be staying up til 12 or 1 in the morning trying to go to sleep. So my first thought is that we just need to start trying to go to bed earlier. Even if it takes 2 hours if we start at 8 or 8:30 at least I will be in bed at a reasonable time to get enough sleep for work... because once he goes to sleep he is out for the night (granted he gets up a couple times for feeding, but he never fully wakes up... he eats with his eyes closed and goes right back to sleep :) ).
So last night was night 1 of operation new bed time/routine. I was going to start around 8 with a bath, then pajamas, a book and then bed. BUT Colin had other plans and threw up all over his outfit at 7. So bedtime routine started early. He had a bath at 7, then pajamas, then he had tummy time and floor time for a bit. Then I read him a book, nursed one side, changed and swaddled him, nursed the other side and he was OUT. I checked the clock... 8:35. I couldn't believe it. No fighting, no struggling. He was out. Of course I had a hard time falling asleep because it was only 8:30.... but he was out for over 4 hours that first nights stretch and I was a happy momma! :) Here's to hoping the rest of our nights of operation new bed time/routine go like this!! Lol. Ha!
With all the problems we had last week I decided we needed to change things up. Especially since I go back to work in 2 weeks... we can't be staying up til 12 or 1 in the morning trying to go to sleep. So my first thought is that we just need to start trying to go to bed earlier. Even if it takes 2 hours if we start at 8 or 8:30 at least I will be in bed at a reasonable time to get enough sleep for work... because once he goes to sleep he is out for the night (granted he gets up a couple times for feeding, but he never fully wakes up... he eats with his eyes closed and goes right back to sleep :) ).
So last night was night 1 of operation new bed time/routine. I was going to start around 8 with a bath, then pajamas, a book and then bed. BUT Colin had other plans and threw up all over his outfit at 7. So bedtime routine started early. He had a bath at 7, then pajamas, then he had tummy time and floor time for a bit. Then I read him a book, nursed one side, changed and swaddled him, nursed the other side and he was OUT. I checked the clock... 8:35. I couldn't believe it. No fighting, no struggling. He was out. Of course I had a hard time falling asleep because it was only 8:30.... but he was out for over 4 hours that first nights stretch and I was a happy momma! :) Here's to hoping the rest of our nights of operation new bed time/routine go like this!! Lol. Ha!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Colin is getting baptised on Saturday, January 28 in our hometown. I am really excited about it. Mostly I am excited to share with Colin the fact that we will both have been baptised in the same church and to share with him my religion. I've recieved all of sacraments in San Miguel Parish and that is where Ryan and I got married. To me, it only made sense that we bring Colin back there to get baptised.
Granted we have a church here in Grants, but it is different. I just still don't feel like home in the church here. In fact last time we went the priest asked us if we were visiting... umm... no, we've lived here for almost 4 years and have gone to church almost every Sunday since we moved here... nope not visitors at all. Sigh... that is why I want to bring my baby to our hometown to baptise him. The priest there knows us by name, helped us prepare for our marriage and said a prayer for us when he found out we were pregnant.
Another cool aspect of his baptism is that he will be wearing the outfit that both his Daddy and Grandpa got christened in.
The other day I was starting to say that the baptism wasn't a big deal... then I caught myself. Of course this is a big deal. I prayed for this baby every night for months on end. I prayed that the Lord would bless us with a baby. Then when he did I prayed every night that he would bless us with a healthy baby who was strong in body, mind and spirit and I thanked the Lord for blessing us with a baby, when I know so many others are out there still praying for their miracle. Now that Colin is here and happy and healthy, I thank the Lord everyday for giving us such a beautiful little angel and I pray that he watches over him and keeps him happy and healthy.
Granted we have a church here in Grants, but it is different. I just still don't feel like home in the church here. In fact last time we went the priest asked us if we were visiting... umm... no, we've lived here for almost 4 years and have gone to church almost every Sunday since we moved here... nope not visitors at all. Sigh... that is why I want to bring my baby to our hometown to baptise him. The priest there knows us by name, helped us prepare for our marriage and said a prayer for us when he found out we were pregnant.
Another cool aspect of his baptism is that he will be wearing the outfit that both his Daddy and Grandpa got christened in.
The other day I was starting to say that the baptism wasn't a big deal... then I caught myself. Of course this is a big deal. I prayed for this baby every night for months on end. I prayed that the Lord would bless us with a baby. Then when he did I prayed every night that he would bless us with a healthy baby who was strong in body, mind and spirit and I thanked the Lord for blessing us with a baby, when I know so many others are out there still praying for their miracle. Now that Colin is here and happy and healthy, I thank the Lord everyday for giving us such a beautiful little angel and I pray that he watches over him and keeps him happy and healthy.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Left Boob Aversion
Yup, that's right... my kid HATES my left boob. I think it started after I stopped using the shield several weeks ago, but it was usually only happening at night. It has somehow gradually turned into an all out aversion and not just a nighttime thing. Yesterday was the worst day and he tried to refuse it the entire day! I've tried different holds and that sometimes works. The only time he will take it without a fight is when he is half asleep. So all day today I've been tricking him and it seems to be working. Whenever he is just waking up from a nap, I rush over and pop him on the left side whether it is the left side's turn or not and it has worked like a charm so far.
I think this aversion is what is affecting our bed time routine as well. He eats a lot right before bed, I think getting his tummy full before he falls asleep and we usually go back and forth between sides. Last night and the night before were pretty terrible. He wouldn't even get near the left side before he started screaming! Ryan thought it was kind of amusing because he wouldn't let me bring him an inch to the left side before he'd get all upset. Last night I didn't want to have a repeat of the night before so I let him have the good side and tried the pacifier... which he is not a fan of, but something worked and he fell asleep!
I hope he gets over this aversion soon and my tricking him when he's asleep helps to show him that the left boob isn't an evil being wanting to eat him! :)
I think this aversion is what is affecting our bed time routine as well. He eats a lot right before bed, I think getting his tummy full before he falls asleep and we usually go back and forth between sides. Last night and the night before were pretty terrible. He wouldn't even get near the left side before he started screaming! Ryan thought it was kind of amusing because he wouldn't let me bring him an inch to the left side before he'd get all upset. Last night I didn't want to have a repeat of the night before so I let him have the good side and tried the pacifier... which he is not a fan of, but something worked and he fell asleep!
I hope he gets over this aversion soon and my tricking him when he's asleep helps to show him that the left boob isn't an evil being wanting to eat him! :)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
He gives me a little and then he takes it all away! Lol Oh the joys of motherhood!
Since the new year Colin had been sleeping wonderfully. He'd go down with a 4 hour stretch and then get up and have 2 1/2 hour stretches after that. It was awesome. I was feeling so refreshed and wonderful, no wonder I was thinking I was ready to return to work. Then Sunday happened.
Sunday we messed up his schedule. We went out of town and didn't get back home until about 11... which is his normal bedtime. I thought he'd be really tired from a busy day and sleep well... but for some reason that wasn't the case. We didn't get to bed until after midnight and he slept 1-2 hour stretches all night... and it sucked. He did the same thing Monday night and then Tuesday... ugh.... Tuesday night.
I tried not to let him sleep the whole day and we even went for a walk outside. I went to Zumba and Ryan watched him... and I guess he slept the entire time I was gone... lame. Then when I took a shower, I put him in the crib and he fell asleep at like 8:30. I was hoping he'd be out for the night... ha! I crawled into bed at 9 and just fell asleep, when I heard him wake up at 9:30. He was soo refreshed and happy. He was like, Oh hey Ma, just woke up from this awesome power nap... ready to play?! Lol. I let him kick on his changing table (his favorite place in the whole world) while I put some of his clothes away and then I attempted to put him to sleep.
He was fighting nursing... like literally kicking and punching.. but thats all he wanted to do. I finally got him latched and fed and asleep, put him in bed and he wakes up and wants to eat again. Rinse and repeat like a million times. I think he just wanted to suck. At midnight after crying and having a little breakdown myself, I put him in his swing. He was wide awake looking around for about 15 minutes and then cried. Lol. I went and got some pacifiers... but we haven't used a pacifier in forever and he did not know how to even suck on it. Sigh.
I was about to give up and go into the living room and watch tv... but thought I'd give it one more shot in bed. He wouldn't even nurse in the side laying position... I'm not actually sure how I got him to sleep... but I had fallen asleep trying and I woke up and had one of those nuk pacifiers stuck to my finger, my boob out and he was asleep.... thankfully. Then of course I had a hard time falling back asleep and after he work up about 3 hours later, he woke up every hour after that, until I gave up and got up.
Sigh... I'm soo glad I didn't have to go to work today! I'd be soo beat! I hope this is just a growth spurt and he returns to his nice sleeping patterns. I also think maybe the crib messed us up... thats what I get for wanting a nice nights sleep alone in bed and trying to force him in his crib! Lol
Since the new year Colin had been sleeping wonderfully. He'd go down with a 4 hour stretch and then get up and have 2 1/2 hour stretches after that. It was awesome. I was feeling so refreshed and wonderful, no wonder I was thinking I was ready to return to work. Then Sunday happened.
Sunday we messed up his schedule. We went out of town and didn't get back home until about 11... which is his normal bedtime. I thought he'd be really tired from a busy day and sleep well... but for some reason that wasn't the case. We didn't get to bed until after midnight and he slept 1-2 hour stretches all night... and it sucked. He did the same thing Monday night and then Tuesday... ugh.... Tuesday night.
I tried not to let him sleep the whole day and we even went for a walk outside. I went to Zumba and Ryan watched him... and I guess he slept the entire time I was gone... lame. Then when I took a shower, I put him in the crib and he fell asleep at like 8:30. I was hoping he'd be out for the night... ha! I crawled into bed at 9 and just fell asleep, when I heard him wake up at 9:30. He was soo refreshed and happy. He was like, Oh hey Ma, just woke up from this awesome power nap... ready to play?! Lol. I let him kick on his changing table (his favorite place in the whole world) while I put some of his clothes away and then I attempted to put him to sleep.
He was fighting nursing... like literally kicking and punching.. but thats all he wanted to do. I finally got him latched and fed and asleep, put him in bed and he wakes up and wants to eat again. Rinse and repeat like a million times. I think he just wanted to suck. At midnight after crying and having a little breakdown myself, I put him in his swing. He was wide awake looking around for about 15 minutes and then cried. Lol. I went and got some pacifiers... but we haven't used a pacifier in forever and he did not know how to even suck on it. Sigh.
I was about to give up and go into the living room and watch tv... but thought I'd give it one more shot in bed. He wouldn't even nurse in the side laying position... I'm not actually sure how I got him to sleep... but I had fallen asleep trying and I woke up and had one of those nuk pacifiers stuck to my finger, my boob out and he was asleep.... thankfully. Then of course I had a hard time falling back asleep and after he work up about 3 hours later, he woke up every hour after that, until I gave up and got up.
Sigh... I'm soo glad I didn't have to go to work today! I'd be soo beat! I hope this is just a growth spurt and he returns to his nice sleeping patterns. I also think maybe the crib messed us up... thats what I get for wanting a nice nights sleep alone in bed and trying to force him in his crib! Lol
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
Yup, I'm one of those moms who thinks EVERYTHING their kid does is cute... even sneezing!! I was trying to get a video of him "talking" and instead got this! :)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
2 months old
My baby boy is 2 months old today! Quickest 2 months of my life!
Colin is changing every single day. He has really put on the pounds lately and I love his little pudgy arms and legs! He has started "talking" soo much! I LOVE his little voice. I am hoping I can record one of his conversations because it is soo stinking cute. The other night when Ryan came home Colin talked to him for like 30 minutes! I wonder what he was telling his daddy?! Ryan's mom came to visit earlier this week and when she was leaving Colin just smiled and talked to her. It was very cute and made it very hard on her to leave!
He is *almost* holding his head up on his own... almost! He really likes to look around like a big kid. He got a play mat for Christmas and has started hitting the toys (punching them really hard to be exact) and kicking them with his feet. It is funny because once he feels something with his feet, he will keep kicking it over and over again! He used to really like tummy time, but lately he's been falling asleep during it!
He's been sleeping really well at night since the New Year. (knock on wood) His first sleep stretch of the night is at least 4 hours, last night was almost 5 hours and then his next sleep stretches are about 2 1/2 hours. I can survive on that! Hoping that continues and when I go back to work I'll only be getting up once a night... maybe twice. Just wish I could get him to bed earlier than 11! He is a little night owl!
Here are some 2 month photos... he was much more animated than his 1 month ones, funny how much his little personality has changed!
Colin is changing every single day. He has really put on the pounds lately and I love his little pudgy arms and legs! He has started "talking" soo much! I LOVE his little voice. I am hoping I can record one of his conversations because it is soo stinking cute. The other night when Ryan came home Colin talked to him for like 30 minutes! I wonder what he was telling his daddy?! Ryan's mom came to visit earlier this week and when she was leaving Colin just smiled and talked to her. It was very cute and made it very hard on her to leave!
He is *almost* holding his head up on his own... almost! He really likes to look around like a big kid. He got a play mat for Christmas and has started hitting the toys (punching them really hard to be exact) and kicking them with his feet. It is funny because once he feels something with his feet, he will keep kicking it over and over again! He used to really like tummy time, but lately he's been falling asleep during it!
He's been sleeping really well at night since the New Year. (knock on wood) His first sleep stretch of the night is at least 4 hours, last night was almost 5 hours and then his next sleep stretches are about 2 1/2 hours. I can survive on that! Hoping that continues and when I go back to work I'll only be getting up once a night... maybe twice. Just wish I could get him to bed earlier than 11! He is a little night owl!
Here are some 2 month photos... he was much more animated than his 1 month ones, funny how much his little personality has changed!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Getting Ready to go back to Work
It is just a few short weeks until I return back to work. I've been trying to do as much as I can to prepare me and Colin for the transition.
First off is getting up early. That hasn't been happening as of late, BUT his schedule has changed a bit and he has been getting up around 6 for the past couple days. I am hoping it stays like that because that is about the time I got up to get ready for work before baby... and my morning routines are A LOT different than what they were before, so I am pretty confident I can get us both out of the house by 8 vs. before when I could barely get myself out of the house by 8!
Secondly, I pulled out our Pack'n Play. We got it as a gift from my Aunt and Uncle, but didn't really need it here at the house. I knew right away that I'd bring it to work with me when we go back. So I wanted Colin to get used to napping in it during the day and playing in it a bit. Today was day one and he played in it a bit this morning and almost fell asleep playing. He ended up taking a little nap in it. So I THINK he will be fine in it. Now to figure out what blankets and toys we will bring to work...
Today I was thinking about what I'd do during my lunch breaks at work. I used to go home for lunch, but the thought of trekking all the way back home for like 30 or 40 minutes home with Colin just doesn't seem smart and in fact a little overwhelming. So... I think we will be stuck at the office. I was thinking when it gets warmer we can go for walks during my lunch break. I can strap him into a stroller and walk around the HUGE parking lot at the visitor center and we can go for a walk every day. I can get some exercise, it will help break up our day and Colin can get some nice fresh air. It will be a nice little routine for us. Now to get a stroller... Lol
Today I realized I am going to miss breastfeeding in my nice reclining couch chairs... and will have to adjust to an office chair... LAME. I was also talking and playing with Colin and I couldn't help to think it wouldn't quite be the same at the office... but I suppose we will adjust! :)
First off is getting up early. That hasn't been happening as of late, BUT his schedule has changed a bit and he has been getting up around 6 for the past couple days. I am hoping it stays like that because that is about the time I got up to get ready for work before baby... and my morning routines are A LOT different than what they were before, so I am pretty confident I can get us both out of the house by 8 vs. before when I could barely get myself out of the house by 8!
Secondly, I pulled out our Pack'n Play. We got it as a gift from my Aunt and Uncle, but didn't really need it here at the house. I knew right away that I'd bring it to work with me when we go back. So I wanted Colin to get used to napping in it during the day and playing in it a bit. Today was day one and he played in it a bit this morning and almost fell asleep playing. He ended up taking a little nap in it. So I THINK he will be fine in it. Now to figure out what blankets and toys we will bring to work...
Today I was thinking about what I'd do during my lunch breaks at work. I used to go home for lunch, but the thought of trekking all the way back home for like 30 or 40 minutes home with Colin just doesn't seem smart and in fact a little overwhelming. So... I think we will be stuck at the office. I was thinking when it gets warmer we can go for walks during my lunch break. I can strap him into a stroller and walk around the HUGE parking lot at the visitor center and we can go for a walk every day. I can get some exercise, it will help break up our day and Colin can get some nice fresh air. It will be a nice little routine for us. Now to get a stroller... Lol
Today I realized I am going to miss breastfeeding in my nice reclining couch chairs... and will have to adjust to an office chair... LAME. I was also talking and playing with Colin and I couldn't help to think it wouldn't quite be the same at the office... but I suppose we will adjust! :)
Christmas Pictures
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
2 week follow up
Colin had his 2 week follow up for his tongue tie today. In 2 1/2 weeks he's gained 2 pounds! The doctor was pretty impressed and attributes his weight gain to being able to eat better after getting his tongue clipped. She brought in the original pediatrician who told us that he didn't believe in clipping and that tongue tie had no affect on the mother... to kind of show him that the clipping was a positive thing. He kinda sorta apologized and said he'd done some more research since he met with us and thought maybe clipping could be a good thing... ha! After he left the room, our doctor said she wanted to bring him in so that maybe next time he wouldn't be so quick to dismiss something like that. She said she thought some of it had to do with the fact that he was a man and didn't understand breastfeeding! Lol
Anyway, Colin went from the 11th percentile in weight to the 24th percentile in weight!! He is now 11 pounds at 8 weeks old! And smiled at all the doctors... even the guy mommy wasn't a big fan of!! Lol
I managed to loose my damn phone at the apt. I am pretty sure someone stole it. Fun stuff! Going through major smart phone withdrawals!
Anyway, Colin went from the 11th percentile in weight to the 24th percentile in weight!! He is now 11 pounds at 8 weeks old! And smiled at all the doctors... even the guy mommy wasn't a big fan of!! Lol
I managed to loose my damn phone at the apt. I am pretty sure someone stole it. Fun stuff! Going through major smart phone withdrawals!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Happy New Year
Colin had a great first New Years... he fell asleep 15 minutes before the New Year! Ha!
2011 blessed us beyond measure!
We found out in February 2011 that we were expecting. After trying for 8 months it was the best news we could have asked for! Throughout the next couple months we were able to share our wonderful news with all of our friends and family. All the experiences we had throughout the pregnancy were all very amazing! From the first sound of the heartbeat, seeing the heart flutter on the ultrasound screen, growing a big belly, feeling his movements and then Colin's arrival made 2011 quite the year for us!
I know we have so much more in store for us in 2012 as we get to experience all of Colin's firsts with him and watch him grow and learn through his first year of life! Can't wait to see what adventures 2012 has in store for us!
2011 blessed us beyond measure!
We found out in February 2011 that we were expecting. After trying for 8 months it was the best news we could have asked for! Throughout the next couple months we were able to share our wonderful news with all of our friends and family. All the experiences we had throughout the pregnancy were all very amazing! From the first sound of the heartbeat, seeing the heart flutter on the ultrasound screen, growing a big belly, feeling his movements and then Colin's arrival made 2011 quite the year for us!
I know we have so much more in store for us in 2012 as we get to experience all of Colin's firsts with him and watch him grow and learn through his first year of life! Can't wait to see what adventures 2012 has in store for us!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Colin's 1st Christmas
Colin had a great first Christmas. We spent it in our hometown, Socorro at my parent's house. I was very nervous about how he would do in a different environment and if he'd sleep. Low and behold he slept better there than he has ever slept at our house! Lol He slept 5 hours straight, his longest sleep stretch at my parent's house! Amazing! Merry Christmas to Mommy!
We went to Christmas Eve mass at church... it was his first church experience and it wasn't the best. Here's hoping his baptism goes a little better! Lol I fed him RIGHT before we left my parents house and he wanted to nurse two more times while we were in church!!! The second time he screamed under my little udder cover and I got embarrassed and ran to the bathroom with him! Lol They didn't have any chairs in the bathroom so I nursed him in a bathroom stall! Lol Then while he was in there he had a diaper explosion. Of course I didn't bring his diaper bag.. so I was texting Ryan in the stall to bring his diaper bag to the bathroom! Ha! Luckily it didn't require an outfit change and after that he was a happy camper and fell asleep for the rest of church!
He got to meet and hang out with lots of friends and family from Socorro! His favorites were probably his great grandparents, who couldn't get enough of him and of course my parents LOVED having him at their house!
Christmas was pretty much all about him and he got lots of goodies! Not that he had any clue what was going on... but still! His grandma bought him a million Christmas onesies so we have a bunch of festive pictures... BUT I can't for the life of me find my camera cord, but when I do I will upload a ton of them! :)
We went to Christmas Eve mass at church... it was his first church experience and it wasn't the best. Here's hoping his baptism goes a little better! Lol I fed him RIGHT before we left my parents house and he wanted to nurse two more times while we were in church!!! The second time he screamed under my little udder cover and I got embarrassed and ran to the bathroom with him! Lol They didn't have any chairs in the bathroom so I nursed him in a bathroom stall! Lol Then while he was in there he had a diaper explosion. Of course I didn't bring his diaper bag.. so I was texting Ryan in the stall to bring his diaper bag to the bathroom! Ha! Luckily it didn't require an outfit change and after that he was a happy camper and fell asleep for the rest of church!
He got to meet and hang out with lots of friends and family from Socorro! His favorites were probably his great grandparents, who couldn't get enough of him and of course my parents LOVED having him at their house!
Christmas was pretty much all about him and he got lots of goodies! Not that he had any clue what was going on... but still! His grandma bought him a million Christmas onesies so we have a bunch of festive pictures... BUT I can't for the life of me find my camera cord, but when I do I will upload a ton of them! :)
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